Silvanum Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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With the growing population of humans there were more and more cases of mixed races. One such race is the half-elves. Around the six hundreds of new the population of half-elves in Edheldor and the surrounding territories had grown exponentially. The Purge of the Stained Blooded took place in Edheldor around 650 NC. All half-elves were banished from Edheldor and from the territories surrounding the nation. A multitude of banished half-elves found a home in Ehlah'nokor. But the majority traveled north and settled on the western shores of Nishm where they established the nation of Silvanum.
Nation Name Silvanum
Alternative Name
Founding Date 676 NC
Location Northwest Nishm
Capital Trisdal
Populace Half-Elf, Human, Wood-Elf

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  • 648 NC

    653 NC

    Purge of the Stained Blooded
    Population Migration / Travel

    In attempts to appease the gods and regain their favor, the Mystia Church and the Edheldor Elder Council ordered the exodus of all half-elves from the nation. This spurred a nation wide hunt and forced yet another migration where all half-elves and some of their pureblood relatives to leave the nation of Edheldor in search of safety elsewhere.

  • 676 NC

    The Foundation of Silvanum

    With the growing population of elves and humans in the southwestern parts of Nishm it was only a matter of time for halfbreeds between elves and humans to appear. This common mix between the two races is justified even more by the fact that elves are perhaps the blessed race that shares the most body features with humans. Given these circumstances the huge number of half-elves in the six hundreds of new came as no surprise. Purebreed communities however were not very accepting of this outcome. In some nations, such as Edheldor and Navalet, halfbreeds were treated as outcasts. After The Purge of the Stained Blooded in Edheldor which took place around 650 NC many humans, elves and half-elves traveled north in order to protect themselves and their families. They started settling in the northwestern parts of the continent where they established the nation of Silvanum in 676 NC.

    Additional timelines


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