Pegoria Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Pegoria is a rural nation in the northern parts of Nishm with its people living alongside the banks of Tigris River and the shores of Yawning Bay. The people mostly engage in fishing and farming. The nation is known for its strict military academies and its well trained and disciplined infantry. The Pegoria government has a strict human only policy and immigrants from other races face banishment or death.
Nation Name Pegoria
Alternative Name
Founding Date 851 NC
Location Northeast Nishm and Tigris River
Capital Badamer
Populace Human

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  • 851 NC

    The Foundation of Pegoria

    The Pegoris were a tribe of nomads and warmongers living in the northeastern parts of Nishm. They conquered the territories alongside the Tigris River and Yawning Bay and established the nation of Pegoria ruled by the Sultan of the Pegoris. 

    Additional timelines


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