Markidia Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Markidia was founded by descendants of Lukas Markidas, a Pyrkagian general who defected during the War for the Hilgren Road. Lukas Markidas had lost his eldest son in the war with the forces of the BRA. Upon hearing the news of his son's death he ordered his forces to retreat and march north. He organized ship transport from the BRA independent nation of Domortes and headed for the Twin Islands north of Ezelmir Peninsula. There he started a human colony in alliance with an orcish colony from Domortes. The two colonies later formed a treaty with Wood-Elf natives that were already present on the island from the time of the Voyage of the Wavering. Pyrkagian forces tried to siege the Twin Islands but thanks to his loyal men, and alongside his orcish allies, Markidas was able to repel the Pyrkagian forces. The Twin Islands were later named the Islands of Markidia and in 242 more than 200 years after the War for the Hilgren Road a Trifecta between Humans, Orcs and Elves was formed on the Islands of Markidia marking the foundation of the Kingdom of Markidia.
Nation Name Markidia
Alternative Name
Demonym Markidians
Founding Date 242 NC
Location Islands of Markidia
Capital Old Port
Populace Human, Elf, Orc
Currency Gold, Silver, Copper

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