Kalapes Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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The Fall of Veghit was the final nail in the coffin for the Empire of Kalapesas. The unnatural phenomena that started occurring forced countless people out of the Tichomrok jungles. A huge wave of Kalapesas settlers traveled to the far western shores of the continent of Nishm south of Karkat Mountain which they hoped would provide decent protection against the unnatural occurrences in the jungles. There they established the heir to the former Empire of Kalapesas, the nation of Kalapes.
Nation Name Kalapes
Alternative Name
Founding Date 40 NC
Location Therkam Bay, South of Karkat Mountain
Capital Mavsaal
Populace Yuan Ti

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  • 40 NC

    The Foundation of Kalapes

    Kalapes was founded by Yuan-Ti fleeing the destabilized Empire of Kalapesas.

    Additional timelines


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