Inam Psa Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Inam Psa


The Lizardfolk nation of Inam Psa is the largest nation in current day Tichomrok Jungles. The Lizardfolk proved to be one of the strongest races that emerged in the Tichomrok Jungles after the Fall of Veghit. They quickly adapted to their surroundings and started forming habitats that developed into villages that developed into cities. Under the influence of both Dragonborn and Yuan-Ti the nation has strived and has a strong presence on the continent of Nishm.
Nation Name Inam Psa
Alternative Name
Founding Date 1341 NC
Location Eastern Tichomrok Jungles
Capital Haraya
Populace Lizardfolk

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  • 1341 NC

    The Foundation of Inam Psa

    The foundation of Inam Psa was strongly influenced by Drehavian diplomats who were sent by the nation of Drehava to help the lizardfolk by enriching their culture. Drehavians introduced the Draconic language to the lizardfolk and also taught them architecture and various crafts and trades. 

    Additional timelines


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