Gaear-iaun Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Ezelmir Peninsula became a home for the wood-elves from the southern shores of Nishm. Rumor has it that they know the secret of breathing underwater but those claims have not been supported by facts.
Nation Name Gaear-iaun
Alternative Name
Founding Date 25 NC
Location Ezelmir Peninsula
Capital Elwen-aire
Populace Wood Elf

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  • 25 NC

    The Foundation of Gaear-iaun

    Some of the woodelves that left Edheldor after The War for Nishm lingered on the continent. They lived in small cities and societies away from Edheldor and its council that they lost faith in. Come the Fall of Veghit though it was no longer safe for them to remain on Nishm, and like many others they decided to leave the continent. Such was the fate of the Nen-nos clan, once one of the largest independent wood-elf societies on Nishm. During the great migration known as the Voyage of the Wavering, the Nen-nos clan left the southern shores of Nishm where they resided and traveled to the Ezelmir Peninsula where in 25 NC they established the nation of Gaear-iaun.

    Additional timelines


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