Ethuildor Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Ethuildor was one of the final nations to be established by elven migrants who fled from the chaos in the Tichomrok jungles after the Fall of Veghit. The elves populated the volcanic island of Caeruin. Despite the fact that the island is located close to the cold north of Harts it is rich in plant and animal life due to the warmth that the volcano provides. The wood-elves of Ethuildor adopted the government structure of the dwarves and have a single Elven King in charge of running the nation.
Nation Name Ethuildor
Alternative Name
Founding Date 42 NC
Location Caeruin Island and Ashwater Bay
Capital Kendel
Populace Wood Elf

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  • 42 NC

    The Foundation of Ethuildor

    The nation of Ethuildor was founded by the remainder of the wood-elf refugees from the continent of Nishm. Those who fought in the War for the Hilgren Road but decided not to stay and live with the Humans in the newfound nation of Druador, those who wanted to run as far away from their past and their troubles. Those wood-elves traveled to the north-east of Harts to the volcano island of Caeruin. There they made a life for themselves and a sovereign nation of their own. 

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