Duath'hall Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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The first wave of elven refugees fleeing from the Tichomrok Jungles traveled north-east from Ethuildor to Nuathorod Mountain. They found secret passages inside the mountain and traveled deep underground in hopes of escaping the magical current that washed over their former home. Away from the hustles of the ground above they had more time to grow accustomed to their new surroundings. They established the nation of Duath'hall, the Dark Elf Nation. Growing less fearful of the deep dark they dwelled further inside the mountain, where they uncovered a fissure leaking shadow energies from a place not known to any until then. As time passed the darkness from the underdark and the strange fissure started changing the elves into beings who no longer needed the light of day to survive.
Nation Name Duath'hall
Alternative Name
Founding Date 12 NC
Location Nuathorod Mountain
Capital Decress
Populace Dark-Elf

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  • 12 NC

    The Foundation of Duath'hall

    Some of the elves from Edheldor and the surrounding regions were reluctant to cross the Noch Vaser ocean. Instead, they decided to look for a safer place somewhere closer. This led them to Nuathorod Mountain where they settled and created the nation of Duath'hall.

    Additional timelines


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