Druador Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Druador was created in the years after the War for the Hilgren Road. After the Blessed Races Alliance managed to defeat the forces of the Republic of Pyrkagia the territories were populated by elven settlers. The elves that settled there picked up the lifestyle of humans and blended with human society. Nowadays Druador is mostly populated by half-elves who are living in the nations' cities and villages but there are also wood-elf societies leading a more secluded lifestyle in the forests.
Nation Name Druador
Alternative Name
Founding Date 38 NC
Location Northern Hilgren
Capital Thallan
Populace Half-Elf, Woodelf and Human

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  • 38 NC

    The Foundation of Druador

    The human population that was under the oppression of the Republic of Pyrkagia and the wood-elves that were looking for a new home after the disaster in their homeland did not treat each other with much hostility or distrust. In fact, the shared hopes of a new beginning and curiosity towards each other's way of life allowed them to associate with hardly any difficulties. In 38 NC merely 5 years after the War for the Hilgren Road the nation of Druador was established as a sovereign state with both elves and humans inside it becoming the first nation where Blessed Races and humans form a single society. 

    Additional timelines


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