Baleno Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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The nation of Baleno is nowadays a popular destination and a starting point for adventuring parties, explorers and expeditions looking to enter into the Tichomrok jungles. The nation has a mixed population and therefore a very exotic culture.
Nation Name Baleno
Alternative Name
Founding Date 739 NC
Location Broken Ridge Bay
Capital Isora
Populace Mixed

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  • 739 NC

    The Foundation of Baleno

    The territories around Broken Ridge Bay were populated by human tribes for hundreds of years. In 737 NC one of the bigger tribes, the Balenos, began a military conquest aiming the assimilation of the other tribes and their territories and uniting them under the Balenos. Their military might proved unmatched by the other tribes and in 739 NC the nation of Baleno was established.

    Additional timelines


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