Aventurine Woods Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Aventurine Woods


The Firbolg of the Aventurine Woods leave a nomad lifestyle. They live off of what nature provides and help each other survive in what best way they can. They are known for having wielders of potent nature magic which they mostly use to preserve the natural balance around them, however, they do not hesitate to use it to defend against intruders.
Nation Name Aventurine Woods
Alternative Name
Founding Date 213 NC
Location Aventurine Woods
Populace Firbolg

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  • 213 NC

    The Foundation of Aventurine Woods
    Discovery, Exploration

    In 213 NC explorers found the existence of Firbolgs and their civilization in one of the deepest parts of the Tichomrok Jungles - The Aventurine Woods. These new creatures displayed deep care for life and for natural balance and albeit seemingly gentle were wielding powerful magic focused around nature. The Aventurine Woods territory has since been left to the care of the gentle giants despite the fact that they have made no claims of sovereignty. 

    Additional timelines


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