Al'Mae Naj'am Organization in Erboren | World Anvil
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Al'Mae Naj'am


Al'Mae Naj'am also known as the nation of free beasts and folk is located in the Gudarak region on the continent of Nishm. It is the largest known nation that allows freedom and equal rights for all races. The nation is mostly comprised of Tabaxi and Kenku races but there are minorities from various other races. Seeing mixtures between representatives of two different races is also very common in the nation.
Nation Name Al'Mae Naj'am
Alternative Name
Founding Date 1778 NC
Location Gudarak Region, South of Nuathorod Mountain
Capital Bansu
Populace Tabaxi, Kenku

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  • 1778 NC

    The Foundation of Al'Mae Naj'am

    With the growing influence of Lizardfolk in the Tichomrok Jungles the Tabaxi and Kenku habitats grew smaller and less safe. This forced the populations of the two bestoid races to look for safety and livelihood elsewhere. The first wave of migrants settled south of Nuathorod Mountain in the Gudarak region. As their numbers grew there was a clear need for a leader. After many years of battles for supremacy the people were united and Nichompa Lionmane of House Lionmane became the first king of the newly established nation of Al'Mae Naj'am.

    Additional timelines


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