Eradin Eradine History Timeline
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Eradine History

The complete history of the continent of Eradin. Contains major events that affect the entire world.

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    Institution of the Eradine Calendar
    Political event

    A large-scale congregation of the Eradine Church seeks to unify all regional calendars and date calculation systems, resulting in the Eradine Calendar. Subsequently, the current date was set to 1/1/0.

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    Establishment of the Mantis

    The Mantis is founded in Mavyn.

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    The Great Peasants' War
    Military action

    The imperialist city state of Skyrmin starts occupation of the small council republic of Thythr in order to secure land for agrarian purposes and exploit their workforce to sustain Skyrmin's rapidly growing population. It ends with an unexpected Thythryn victory after it accomplished constructing the world's first Divine Harvest.

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    The Skyrmin Fever
    Plague / Epidemic

    A large scale epidemic of the Skyrmin Fever breaks out in Thythr and quickly spreads to Skyrmin. It is eventually cured by White Acid in the year 98.

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    Skyrmin Fever
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    First Great Upheaval of Mantis
    Military action

    The Mantis unveils itself and seizes control over several important locations all over Eradin. It then sets its plan into motion to convert as many Eradine deities into Divine Harvests as possible. This helps end the Great Peasants' War, forces a regime change in Skyrmin and makes Aoado their greatest enemy under the Eradine Church.

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    Regime Change in Skyrmin
    Political event

    As the Mantis wins more and more influence in Skyrmin as they and their Divine Spirit are the only hope to cure the Skyrmin Fever outbreak in Skyrmin, its former governor, Rei Mukh is replaced by Mantis-friendly Alani Khapp.

    City of Skyrmin