Roshka, the Petal Heir Character in Eradin | World Anvil
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Roshka, the Petal Heir

"Roshka, the Petal Heir" (sometimes condescendingly called Royaroya), was an Eradine deity that was captured during the First Upheaval of Mantis to become a Divine Harvest and the primary source of Divine Spirit of the Skyrmin city of Rorosh Pakh, which was named after and founded for the purpose of containing Roshka.

Physical appearance

Roshka appears as a roughly three metres tall androgynous humanoid, featuring hair of straw and skin of bark; during their later shift towards being a deity of sexuality, they appeared increasingly scantily clad, featuring all known humanoid genitalia and an uncannily exaggerated hourglass figure.

As deity

As a deity, Roshka the Petal Heir was one of the prime Eradine deities of fertility, weather and growth. They were feared and beloved alike for their ability to bring great harvest or great sorrow over their settlements.   Throughout the later centuries of worship, especially once agriculture advanced to the point of being unaffected by weather conditions by harvesting Minor Spirits, their area of expertise gradually shifted towards birth, reproduction and growth of life. During the last few decades before the First Upheaval of Mantis, their purpose was solely ruling over success and failure of childbirth and mortal sexuality in general.

As Divine Harvest

Roshka was captured during the First Upheaval of Mantis and was thus once of the first few deities to be used as a Divine Harvest.   Their case was a particularly controversial one even among the Mantis: as Divine Harvests are invoked and reaped through defeating them with their own abilities, making Roshka a Divine Harvest required them to be surpassed in their own prowess; which happened to be sexuality and reproduction. An unspeakable containment was devised by the High Council of Mantis, subjecting Roshka to torments beyond any mortal understanding. Those, even within the Mantis opposing this conversion of Roshka into a Divine Harvest were defeated bloodily however, and the city of Rorosh Pakh was built around their great output of Divine Spirit.   As opposed to other Divine Harvests, Roshka's containment was deemed too gruesome to publicly publish, so their containment was transported to an underground facility while a symbolic holographic image of Roshka's supposed containment was put up in the city centre. That fictionalized display featured a much tamer portrayal of their actual treatment. Rumours of their mistreatment are widespread among Rorosh Pakh's various opposition groups, however.

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