Timios Organization in Eques | World Anvil
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In Timios, the sea shimmers and the sun glistens on the golden towers, but something darker and more sinister echoes in the dungeons. King Evgenis Soi is its ruler, and the rumoured cause of the famine and war in the kingdom. He rules with an iron fist, and has made the kingdom nearly impenetrable to anybody who is not Elven. Psestis Soi is the Princess of Timios and Step-Daughter of Evgenis, she is the only person inside the gates of Timios that is not Elven, and is hated on for her round ears by the people. Timios is a patron of Lady Skye, who has dominion over the sky, the sea, and voyages. The people pray to her every day that they will be freed from this prison that their kingdom has become, and that someone will come and save them.


King and/or Queen - traditionally they co-rule unless one of them dies, then the remaining parent rules with the next in line for the throne (although they keep their title until the previous ruler dies). - e.g. Evgenis and Psestis co-rule as Psestis' mother died whilst Queen, but Psestis will remain a princess until her father dies/steps down. Lady/Lord/Liege(domainic) - Reign over certain sectors of the kingdom (e.g. Northside) Mayor - rules over specific sectors (e.g Agriculture) and their import/export. Prince/Princess - Usually still learning the ropes (are granted more power when actually reigning and are the equivalent of a King/Queen) Knight - A honorary title given by the royals to someone who has demonstrated extreme strength. Folk Hero - A honorary title given by the people to someone who has demonstrated extreme nobility, morality, courage and kindness to the people and expected nothing for return. The ceremonies are no longer endorsed by the royals, and so the Folk Heroes are no longer recognised by the royals.


Follows the Bonum, and its scripture The Grand Anthology.  Timions used to be voyagers, and were at the forefront of traditional voyage before King Evgenis Soi , the current king, came into power and shut down Timios' walls. Now, the citizens don't leave the walls out of fear, but still remember a time when they were free. As a result of this lockdown, Timions had an emphasis on community, and the citizens helped each other out. Local trade had been given a chance to blossom. Then the famine struck, and the food became scarce. Now, you will often find people on the streets of Timios begging for food. However, Timions have often still maintained their community spirit, par the few who still harbour hatred in their souls.

Public Agenda

King Evgenis Soi has promised to restore Timios to it's former glory, much in the same way that King Dolos did.

Mythology & Lore

Beyond the skies we rise.

Founding Date
0 AC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Previously apart of Ethal
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
See Common Currency.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


Vicit and Timios share borders, and also share The Island of Limen

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Evgenisian Period

7745 AC and beyond

The Current Period of the campaign in which King Evgenis Soi reigns.

  • 7963 AC

    64 Felicitas

    The Total Famine
    Disaster / Destruction

    King Evgenis Soi caused a famine and lack of food due to locking the gates and the lack of imports/exports.

    More reading
    Additional timelines


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