Aeres (Country) Organization in Epios | World Anvil
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Aeres (Country)

The valleys to the west of Khema are difficult to traverse, at times a dry, rocky landscape with tight mountain passes and treacherous cliff sides. Rainy seasons coax the valleys into full bloom, bursting with lush grass and gently swaying flowers. In the east, the grass steppes teem with life - the centuries-old nomadic traditions holding strong for the Aeresian tribes.

Capital city

Khema, the City of Flowers


Aeresh, trade-common


humans, (half)elves, genasi, forest gnomes, halflings


Many religions, ranging from druidism and ancestor worship of the tribes to a singular god worship in temples in bigger cities.


Druidic and earth-centered magic is an integral way of life for the tribes of the Dirimas, and has spread to the cities as well.

Tribes of Dirimas

The tribes wandering the lowland steppes between high mountains and comprise of mixed races. Many wander the grasslands, honoring age-old traditions, and some have chosen a semi-nomadic lifestyle, migrating to a different location twice a year.
Geopolitical, Country
Related Ethnicities

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