Natalia Fontaine Character in Eos | World Anvil
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Natalia Fontaine

Natalia Fontaine (a.k.a. Nat)

Physical Description

Body Features

She's got a 6 pack???

Identifying Characteristics

Nat always had a sword on her person. If she isn't wearing it (ie. when bathing or sleeping) there's one located somewhere very close by.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Natalia, as well as her twin sister Flora, were born to Queen Annelise, Queen of Champaghn. However, due suspicions by her brother, George du Burbon, of practices by King Clovis, her real father, he removed tbem from the house at birth and seperated the twins to hopefully save them from the fate of child sacrifice at her mother's request.   Because of this, Natalia ended up in the fort town of Blanches, under the care of Hugo and Nolan Fontaine. They ran a popular inn and tavern in the town, The Iron Lily, known for their house brewed rose mead and homemade bread. It was a staple in the town, soldiers finding it to be one of their favorite spots. Nat grew up around the soldier mentality, and decided from a young age to one day join the Red Rose, aiming to be a hero she heard about in stories.   Nat was a WILD child. Extremely energetic, almost as if she had an endless supply of Energizer batteries strapped to her. She was known around the small block for causing a bit of trouble. At some point, Hugo and Nolan figured trying to scold the energy out of her wouldn't work, so they simply let her run wild, but limits. She calmed a bit as she got older, but she could never let go of her positive and energetic spirit.   At the age of 16, Nat enlisted into the Order of the Red Rose. She was trained personally by the Grand Marquis, George du Burbon in swordsplay and battle strategies. There she excelled, rising through the ranks and by age 20 led her own batallion into battle. With a successful campaign and returning victorious, Natalia was promoted to Knight Overseer.   When she was 22, George had Nat sent away to Valum to study under Edmund and Caterina Rosenberg. After a few months, the Divine suddenly passed, and Natalia was asked to join the group tasked with solving her mystery behind her death and help gain allies in order to aid Valum in the war effort.




  • Order of the Red Rose - Knight Overseer, short stint as Grand Marquis
  • "Hired" by Caterina Rosenberg to help gain allies for Valum and bring justice to the murderer of the Divine

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Killed King Clovis the Undying (her real dad) after he'd lost his mind due to the Revolution
  • Helped to ease tensions between the humans and giants in Weisshalt
  • Saved her sister, Flora, from Inferno

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Responsible for the death of Eleanor, leader of the White Rose, due to not opening a letter
  • Unable to protect/help Flora and watching her die twice because of it
  • Got "branded" a traitor by King Chrèstien I (actually Miranda in disguise) and exiled from Champagn (Temporarily)

Morality & Philosophy

Nat is someone who trusts other very easily. Good until proven bad. She never looks for the bad in people, since people always have something good about them.   Nat believes that there is justice in this world, but sometimes things must be lost in order to achieve it.

Personality Characteristics


Growing up, Nat often heard stories from the soldiers that came to the Iron Lily about glorious battles and victorious campaigns. She idealized these and dreamed of one day being a hero that was revered by their peers and loved by the people.   After the journey thus far, Natalia's motivation has changed quite a lot. At first, she still wanted to be recognized as a hero. Even if it was just by a few people, she strived to be someone people looked up to and respected. George's words to her in Inferno, "Finish what I started", had kept her going for so long. There were many things he could have started, after all. But, after discovering the truth of her past and her mother from Miranda, she realized what really drives her.   Natalia simply fights for freedom. If she's recognized, great. But, if she ien't, it's fine. She just wants to fight to protect the freedom George granted her. The freedom to choose and the freedom to live. Nat strives to create a world where her loved ones can smile and not have to worry about despair and darkness.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Swords
  • The house brew at the Iron Lily
  • Her dad, Nolan's homemade bread
  • Tall, powerful women
  • Rose Gardens
  • Serk
  • Thunder
  • Scorpions
  • Cilantro
  • Dresses/Skirts/Heels/Clothes that get in the way


Contacts & Relations

George du Burbon Former Grand Marquis of the Red Rose, passed away. Nat's mentor. Sent her away to learn more in Valum after several years in the army, where she met and studied under the Rosenberg household.   Lady Miranda Mont Blanc Princess of Champaghn and current Grand Marquis of the Red Rose. Aided her during the first Revolution.   Serk Met Serk upon going to Reighns for the first time. Serk immediately didn't like her and gave her a brief stint of endless nightmares involving scorpions, which made Nat afraid of them and her for a short time. But, slowly, the two have warmed up to each other. Nat admires her resolve and intellegence, as well as her beauty. Serk helped saved Nat's family from an undead swarm during the battle in Blanches. After Lia was taken by slavers, Serk join her and Nemeia as they ventured to bring Lia to safety. After a series of unfortunate circumstances, Nat ended up pulling Serk out of a burning house. Although Serk claims she would have been fine. Nat also caught Serk off guard when she was the first one to call her a "friend". The two of them have a good relationship now, though neither of them really know how to express how they feel about each other. Nat is trying her best, but her lack of women skills is proving to be a pretty nasty handicap. But, she's waiting for the right moment. As of now, she' bearing with the feelings that have become very obvious to the party.   However, after the discovery that Nat had a one night stand with another party member, their relationship has gotten a bit rocky. Serk refused to talk to Nat for some time, making Nat worry even more. But, after 17 attempts, Nat sent Serk a letter of confession and apology, sending along with it a necklace made from a diamond the group stole from the Ishtarian castle. She knew it was the best she could do, and if Serk didn't want it, then she felt that would be okay. She just wants to see Serk happy, and if she is not the one that grants her that happiness, then she thinks she'll be okay. But, she's still completely head over heels for Serk, and even if the memory of their love is just that, Nat will always hold the feelings she has for Serk.   Lia Nat first met Lia when she went to study underneath the Rosenbergs. To Nat, it was really strange that no one really approached her or treated her really well. Lia didn't come off as a bad person. But, Nat never knew how to talk to her or even introduce herself. Until Lia was asked to join the group made by Caterina. Since then, their relationship has been strange. Some days they get along, but some they don't. Nat is very fond of Lia, and often goes out of her way to help her. Nat saved Lia from being sold by slave traders, pulling her out of a burning building. She also was the first to rush in and help after Gabriel went in and tried to attack Lia in Ishtar.   Ace Rosenberg Same with Lia, Nat first met Ace while studying in Valum underneath the Rosenberg family. Though she didn't see much of him due to his status, from the brief interactions they had, Ace was an interesting kid. However, as the journey began, and the nature of Ace's true abilities became more apparent, Nat grew to realize that Ace was way more than what he originally came off as. And that many powerful and dangerous people would be after him. So, as she believed in her knightly duty, she promised to keep Ace safe and out of harm. But, after Lia's "death" and Nat making a deal with Mab, their relationship changed drastically. Nat sort of resented Ace for a time. After all, it was because of him and this journey that she'd lost some of the most important people to her. However, Ace was the first to help her break it off with Mab during the intervention in Inferno. Now, upon getting out, Nat doubled down on her promise and swore to keep him from harm's hands. Right now, their relationship is... a bit of a mess.

Family Ties

Flora Broduer Nat's twin sister. Served together in the army until an unfortunate situation. Met up again after the Revolution broke out in Champghn, where Flora ended up traveling with them then ending her own life. Freed her from Inferno, now permanently travelling together. When the group returned to Champaghn, Flora won her position of the Grand Marquis of the Red Rose, which really upset Nat. After all, it was the job she was hoping for since joining the army and it was taken from her once already. But, at the end of it all, Nat is extremely proud of her sister, even though its still a little weird to call her that sometimes.   Hugo & Nolan Fontaine Nat's adoptive parents. Own a tavern in Blanches named the Iron Lily. Takes more after Hugo. "Yeah, that's our daughter." is sort their mentality when it comes to dealing with her. Last saw them after handling the undead in her hometown.   George du Burbon Nat's uncle. Took care of her and Flora after their mother (his sister), Annalise Donnaidu, died in childbirth and separated them at birth. Didn't tell anyone until after his death.



Crush (Important)

Towards Natalia Fontaine



Natalia Fontaine

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Serk



Chréstien I

Half Brother

Towards Natalia Fontaine


Natalia Fontaine

Half Sister

Towards Chréstien I



Nat is not a fan of her Half Brother. He doesn't know of their relationship, only Nat and Flora know

Mad Queen Mab

Former Contractor

Towards Natalia Fontaine


Natalia Fontaine

Former Contractee

Towards Mad Queen Mab



Mab contracted with Nat after she lost force and Nat greed. Dalon however used his own will to intervene and save Nat from Mab and Inferno

Human Fighter, Battle Master. "Former" Chevalier of the Red Roses of Champaghn.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Chevalier of the Red Rose
  • Knight Overseer
  • Duchess of Champaghn
Date of Birth
April 1st 1307
???, grew up in Blanches
Current Residence
Bright Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Elvish

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