Nightleaf Species in Eorde | World Anvil
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When stalked by night you find yourself. Seek the sparkling flower.   When werewolves hunt your very tracks. Wear the nights flower.   When Vampires knock outside your door. Hold on to the midnight flower.   When you stub your toes it darkness black. Eat up the sparkling flower.
— Unknown

Basic Information


Nightleaf is a small flowering plant with a short stalk and a dark purple flower. The flower that grows from this plant is much larger than the plant itself and so most people think it doesn't have a stalk at all. Three to four broad leaves grow at the base of the plant and curl up acting as a bowl, trapping water inside. The flower once bloomed sits in the center of this small bowl. During the night he flower releases a sweet substance that glitters in the moonlight giving the plant its name.

Growth Rate & Stages

Nightleaf takes around two weeks to bloom. Once it has bloomed it goes dormant for a time of around a week and then blooms again. Considered a mountain flower it has proven rather difficult to domesticate and all official attempts have ended in failure.

Ecology and Habitats

Nightleaf thrives in wet and warm climates. It can usually be found on the forested mountain slopes of southern Westreach. In these dark rain forests it can live and succeed. It needs very little light and prefers areas with less sunlight.

Biological Cycle

Given it is in the correct habitat, Nightleaf can survive throughout the whole year. If it is exposed to a cold or dry climate the plant quickly dies.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Nightleaf is used by hedgewitches and wizards as a protective charm against any creature or monster of the night. They say it can also be used for curing illness that come from these monsters. Especially charismatic ones will tell you it can even help one see in the dark. Most of these are incorrect. While the plant does not help defend against vampires or werewolves the mages of Vestonia however did find that the plant gave some benefits to darkvision if it was ingested correctly. Some wizards use Nightleaf as a material component for casting spells related to darkness but due to the troubles with the plant's domestication, the benefits were not seen as worth the effort to harvest the plant. As such it is mostly used by hedgwitches and wizards in the outer villages of Vestonia.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nightleaf is rather small plant mostly found in lush humid forests at altitudes ranging from 500-1000m above sea level. Though it has been spotted in other parts of the world it is most widely known and used in the country of Vestonia. This is especially true for the smaller villages that lie nearer the mountains.
2 months
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green leaves and deep purple flower

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