Kisib Geographic Location in Eoferan | World Anvil
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According to data obtained by internal records and external surveillance of the island, the country has around 18km2 of coastline, is 154 miles across Northwest to Southeast, and 184 miles long from Southwest to Northeast. It seems to be broken up as 55% solid arable landmass, and 45% freshwater lakes and streams.
  The nearest landfall points from the eastern most part of the island is 124mi east to the settlement of Relloresqui in Crysarch, and 68 miles south from the southernmost point is the city of Trisengen in Saken. This difference in distance has long been a point of contention between Snaken and Crysarch, as both major states claim the island, however neither have any administrative control of it, which has led to some incredulity from the world powers.


The Five Wings
Historical records that have been smuggled out of the reclusive Aasimar monasteries on the island have given us semi-mythical historical information about it's development geologically. What is referenced as the "Padmāda aidu rekkegaḷu" or the Five Wings of Padma, seem to be referencing the existence of several layers of volcanoes that have developed the island after many sequential eruptions.
In keeping with tradition of trying to use mythical names for volcanoes in the languages of what cultures they exist in, the sages have a list of volcanoes in estimated sequential chronological order:   Abhishek - the first layer of apparent volcanic construction on the island, named for the Kisibi word for "anointing". The volcano is most likely extinct, as no evidence in the areas of which the modern world has free reign to study show any signs of recent eruption from a volcano of this size.   Kamala - the second oldest of the volcanic shields that have built up the island, this volcano is on the northwestern face, and seems to be dormant if not extinct. It is named after the Kisibi word for "Lotus" which appears to be an aggressively successful plant in that section of the island.   Vijaya - the Kisibi word for "victory", this volcano seems dormant and is on the   Puja - the Kisibi word for "Honor", partially active   Nirupama - the Kisibi word for "Matchless"., active, eruptings continuously from 1983-present.   Geological evidence from the exposed rock of the sea cliffs in the channel between Kisib and Snaken have led sages to propose that two more ancient volcanic "wings" were all but buried by Abhishek during its eruption. Because Puja and Nirupama are both active, the island of Kisib is still growing in size. It has gained 220 hectare-acres since sages have begun to observe the island closely with a geologic mindset. That is just between 1983 and today.    

Great Crack

  The Great Crack is an eight-mile-long (13,000 m), 60-foot-wide (18 m) and 60-foot-deep (18 m) fissure in the island, in the providence of Mundia. It's unknown if the crack is a natural phenomenon that has to do with the volcanic activity, or if it is the result of some legendary adventure, but it is there. When pressure builds in the Nirupama volcano, there is evidence that there is a pressured outlet into the crack, as lava has filled it whenever Nirupama was close to eruption.    

Kiran Slump

  The Kiran Slump is a 4,760-cubic-mile (19,800 km3) section of the south slope of the Puja volcano which is slipping away from the island, and crashing into the sea, expanding the soft coast of the island outwards towards Snaken.

Fauna & Flora

The Grandberry (Kempuri)

Red bodied, round and covered in glistening ruby spores, the Kisibi Grandberry, or Kempuri, as it is called, has unique properties similar to that of its magically summoned cousin the goodberry.
Game Mechanics:
When a character eats a Grandberry of Kisibi, they get the benefit of a short rest, allowing them to reroll hit die to regain XP. Narratively the Grandberry satiates both hunger and thirst in an adventurer for several days, however it does not remove the effects of poisons or other status conditions such as exhaustion.


These small delicate birds are an oddity in the humid tropical regions around Kisib, however there seems to be vast populations on the peaks of the high mountains of the island, where even the tropical climate gives away to barren stone and snow. The Kisibi value these birds as priceless treasures and companions. They are a sign of culture and status among the Kisibi, as the habitats of the birds are temperature maintained by the birds themselves, creating a cooling draft like a winter wind.

Natural Resources

Kisib is nigh-fraught with natural resources, including Quartz Crystal, Arcanite, various vegetation like mangos, pineapples, and coconuts, as well as softwood lumber, and exotic furs and pelts of a variety of species that are drastically different in character and appearance than their mainland cousins.


There is little to no tourism to the island of Kisib, due to the hostile nature of the Aasimar on the island. Due to attempted invasion by both Snaken and Crysach in the past, and were violently expelled from the island. Due to tensions between the United Providences, which Snaken is a part of, and the Crysach Theocracy over contested territories, both nations in the interest of stability in the region have a mutual agreement to not try to claim the island that sits at the mouth of a vast bay that borders both territories.
Alternative Name(s)
The Lonely Island
Owning Organization


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