Stoor Species in Enthalpy | World Anvil
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OVERVIEW   Mysterious giant monsters who are too large and dangerous to exist.  
Mysteries surround these monsters who are too large, dangerous, and shouldn't even exist. Furthermore the monsters seem to not like each other and only at least 36 are alive which would state they were forced into breeding. However that itself is also a mystery as the Imported were aiming to be one of the first intelligent creatures in this universe. But it would seem like the proof of Dragon's and Stoors prove otherwise.
Dragon's as a species evolved from Stoors but there is a missing link to it. Who were the Dragon's other descendants? It's no secret that previous aliens arrived before the imported did.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Due to how aggressive the Stoors

Dietary Needs and Habits

Every year the Stoor hunts and devours any and all living creature around it including their evolved decedents, Dragon's. The habitat of Stoors matter with how gigantic and resilient they are.
Genetic Descendants

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