The Deep Keeper's Pendant Myth in Eniea | World Anvil
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The Deep Keeper's Pendant

With the power to restore the Oases, the power to deliver Spirix to its promised Des'dorakha


The Deep Keeper's Pendant is little more than a fairytale told to the children of Spirix. A great and wondrous artifact that is legend for its ability create an unlimited amount of water.   Crafted by Solanil, the goddess of the oasis, a gift for her chosen children to save them the heat and drought of the deserts, it was supposedly lost to time. Many believe it is resting under the sands somewhere, waiting for the day it is used to save the desert's soul.

Historical Basis

There are many dozens of oases in Spirix, many of which have no archeological or historic explanation. The best and most current theories hypothesize ancient magicians resorting to high order spells to work the landscape and make it habitable.   Some magical historians have posited that if Spirix had such magicians in its history, they could have turned the desert into a bountiful and fertile land, making necessary a different solution that accounts for this discrepancy.   As for the people of Spirix, they have created many outposts and checkpoints along the boundaries of their oases, creating what little can be considered cities for the nomadic tribesmen of the desert.

Variations & Mutation

The Deep Keeper's Pendant has taken many forms over its history, attributed primarily to the oral history of Spirix.   At first, the pendant sat atop a powerful staff, bestowed to the Cleric Hugrash for his devout practice in following Solanil. Since, it has taken the shape of baubles and crystal balls and relics of old.   Currently, the record kept for the tale of The Deep Keeper tells of a man whose thirst was so profound his lungs filled with sand. With no water in sight, he flung himself into the ocean to quench his thirst but sunk to the seafloor where he found a powerful gem that could create freshwater. He fixed it around his neck so he would never go thirsty again.

Cultural Reception

Most all of Spirix's neighbors approach this legend as yet another reason to evacuate the desert. There are enough dangers present in the glowing sands without the fear of dehydration and drought added to the list, but its inhabitants are rough and adaptable people.    The people of Spirix identify The Deep Keeper's Pendant as a story of your surroundings making you stronger, the world will inflict much pain on you and the prepared are accustomed to the feeling. For the desert nomads, hardening the body through tribulation is the only path forward.

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