War of the Roads Military Conflict in Endais | World Anvil
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War of the Roads

The Conflict


Before the creation of stonesider ships all military transportation was over land, and due to the great distance between Tasyr and Lemaign major offensives have not been attempted, only skirmishes. Tasyr and Lemaign, independent of eachother, decided to break the mold and send an army directly to the enemy land. One major stopgap, however, was the state of Sildais and their hold on the passes through the Doubt Mountains. This battle, colloquially known as "The War of the Roads", was an attempt by Lemaign and Tasyr to forcefully occupy the mountain passes owned by Sildais in order to allow for troops to pass to enemy lands unabetted.


Lemaign dedicated a division of 500 men-at-arms, a division of 20 various siege engines and numerous siege engineers, 10 battle wizards, 200 horseback cavalry, and around 50 ranged artillerymen. Tasyr itself dedicated 80 battle wizards, a division of 200 men-at-arms, 10 various siege engineers, and 50 horseback cavalry. Unbeknownst to Tasyr and Lemaign, Sildais prepared with around 300 men-at-arms and 100 ranged artillerymen. Lemaign was forced to move through Sildasian borders, and thus was victim to sabotage on behalf of the Sildasians, whereas Tasyr was within their borders along the Doubt Mountains. Sildais was deployed in the mountain passes, holding full control of them.


The passes of the Doubt Mountains are narrow, barely allowing 20 feet of space and forcing armies to slither in long chains instead of a set formation. Massive cliffs were frequent, and avalanches were even more so.


War always took place in high altitude, harshly cold environments, and almost always in narrow mountain valleys, or for foolhardy armies with a death wish, on narrow mountain peaks.

The Engagement

Due to the location, skirmishes only occurred in two places, either over the mountains or through the mountain passes. Few skirmishes happened over the mountains, however one notable skirmish between the Tasyrian and Lemaigni forces cost a total of 100 men, and the collective expeditionary forces of the two nations dying in the mountains. Instead, major skirmishes were held in the mountain passes, which generally consisted of light Sildasian forces holding the mountain pass directly, while the majority of their forces were dedicated to post skirmish ambushing. Once an invading force arrived, a short battle would ensue, typically with a Sildasian retreat. Then the invaders would split their forces to secure the largest possible portion of the pass. Once the split occurs, the Sildasian ambushing force would strike, severing the expeditionary force from any base to retreat to, then they would proceed to destroy the expeditionary force itself. On the few occasions when the two invading forces would meet, a battle would ensue with the Sildasians mopping up any remaining forces.


The complete failure of the Tasyrian and Lemaigni forces to hold any ground in the mountain passes resulted in the death of nearly every member of the invading forces with at little cost to Sildais. Both invasion campaigns failed and both were forced to think of new methods of waging war.


Sildais was granted moral rights to increase taxes on pass travel, trade deals between the two nations, and political dealings, even forcing the two nations to sign a treaty known as the "Doubt Mountain Agreement", disallowing either nation to formally pass military troops through Sildasian borders.

Historical Significance


The War of the Roads is remembered by the Tasyrians and Lemaigni as an embarrassment, an attempt by their old governments to secure power with no regard to Sildais' neutrality. For Sildais, it is remembered as a triumphant moment of military tactics and prowess, something generally perceived to be non-existent in Sildasian culture

In Literature

While it is a footnote in Tasyrian and Lemaigni literature, The War of the Roads appears numerous times in Sildasian literature as their finest moment in war. The military leader at the time, Trade Price Salazar IV, went down in history as a military tactician by writing his autobiographical recounting of the war titled "Hosting a War", which is used in miltary academies across Endais to this very day.

Technological Advancement

The War of the Roads would be the direct inspiration behind Verona of Stonesea's Grand Machine, a massive flying machine designed to fly over the Doubt Mountains and directly assault Farpass with no fear of retaliation.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
505 HS
Ending Date
507 HS

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Led by


Battle Wizardry, Sorcerous Artillery.


Almost all men-at-arms and cavalry, all siege engines, half of their battle wizard detachment.


Secure a passage through the Doubt Mountains in order to allow forces to pass into the heartland.

Led by


Infantry, Non-Siege Artillery.


All battle wizards and siege engines, most of their men at arms and cavalry, half of their artillerymen.


Secure a passage through the Doubt Mountains in order to allow forces to pass into the south.

Led by


Infantry, Guerilla War.


20% of their men-at-arms.


Maintain control of the mountain passes and deny either invading army their goal.


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