Huskar Species in Empire of Alania | World Anvil
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Huskar (hus-ker (IPA: hʌskɜr))

Daniel's Logbook Entry:
Huskar have a wide variety of colors. The enlarged spikes on its chest are icicles developed over time. The older the Spirit, the greater the amount of icicles. They communicate with yips and howls. They can also portray thoughts to another by touching them with its marble, which is the source of its power. By touching the marbles to its target, Huskar can take over the minds of any victims with weak willpower. They are proud Spirits that run tirelessly through cold weather, preferring to do only things that benefit them.   Fortunately for me, Arden is large enough I could ride her like a horse. I hate walking.  
— Daniel Carona

Basic Information


Huskars can pass as wolves save for a few exceptions: Adult huskars are much larger and measure at 48–68 inches (122–173 cm) at the shoulder, some weighing over 300 lbs. They carry a thick mane mostly around their chest area which look like icicles. From their shoulders sprout two antennae, each tipped with a glorious marble.

  • Huskar can have a wide variety of colors. The ones displayed are the most common variations.
  • Huskar communicates with yips and howls. It can also portray thoughts to another by touching them with its marble.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Zarenian rebels kept the Huskar's existence a secret. Huskars are used as intelligence and scouts, as they can convey information back to their partners silently.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though few and far between, Huskar can adapt to living in most types of terrain. They were first discovered in the Eastern Zarenian mountains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • The marbles on its feelers have patterns and designs. It is the source of Huskar's psychic power. By touching the marbles to its target, Huskar can take over the minds of its victims.
  • If raised from puphood, they can learn to speak (telepathically) human language.
10–15 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
48–68 inches
Average Weight
300 lbs
Geographic Distribution
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Aug 12, 2023 16:02 by Marjorie Ariel

These would be useful animals to have, as mounts and scouts.   Did you possibly forget to include something about colors? Maybe in the sidebar? I wasn't sure what you meant by "Huskar can have a wide variety of colors. The ones displayed are the most common variations."

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