Lothiel Silverswan, lady of Lunar Character in Ember | World Anvil
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Lothiel Silverswan, lady of Lunar

Lady of Lunar Lothiel Silverswan

The acting leader of Lunar and all of the surrounding lands, as well as their elected representative in the Embershade counsel, Lady Lothiel is the daughter of lord Byorin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lothiel is thin and fit, with a young body attuned to horseback ridding and archery that she enjoys in her spare time.

Body Features

Lothiels skin is fare and smooth, and her hair is raven black. She is tall and graceful.

Facial Features

In her high cheekbones and angular features, Lothiel's elven ancestry shows. She has Deep, sea blue eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Lothiel wears her hair down in the style of her people, and prefers light colored clothing to darker hues. She refrains from wearing jewelry except for her ring of office that was worn by her father. It is a silver ring with a sky blue sapphire in the center.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lady Lothiel of House Silverswan was born in the year 900 of the age of awakening. Her father, Lord Byorin, was a half elf, and led Lunar for many years. Lothiel grew up in the palace of Lunar, or traveling through out the Little Kingdom with her father on business. Her mother, Mara, was a commoner that Byorin fell in love with and married late in his life. She managed the household affairs while Byorin was away, and was a large part of Lothiels upbringing. Her parents where killed by pirates when she was 17, and since then she has ruled Lunar in his stead.


Educated in politics and foreign relations, Lothiel has also received training with a dagger and rapier, and is quite proficient with a long bow even on horseback due to her love of hunting in the brush lands near Lunar..


She became the Governor of Lunar and a representative in the Embershade Counsel at the age of 17.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She became governor of Lunar at 17, and has ruled her people with kindness and intelligence ever since.

Mental Trauma

Her parents died at sea, and she has an aversion to traveling by boat because of this.

Intellectual Characteristics

A very philosophical woman, Lothiel quite enjoys reading and writing, and plays the harp with some skill, enjoying music and art to a great degree.

Morality & Philosophy

Lady Lothiel believes that the laws and rule of the Little Kingdom are the best thing for her peoples protection, and strives to uphold that law and rule in all her actions.

Personality Characteristics


Lothiel desires to rid the Embershade of Pirates and other threats, and to ensure the safety of her people.

Wealth & Financial state

She is quite wealthy, being the governor of Lunar, and spends much of her personal money in attempts to beautify and improve her home city.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lady of Lunar
Date of Birth
24th of Silverlight, 900 AA
Current Residence
Deep Blue, same shade as the Embershade
Long and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
142 Lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
Ruled Locations

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Jul 3, 2021 23:57


Jul 4, 2021 20:53 by Sean Maloy

but where tho