The King Character in Elthir | World Anvil
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The King

Of the line of Farin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a large man, with an intimidating presence, and once, he stood tall and powerful. Age, inner turmoil, and the chaos of a kingdom poorly ruled, has reduced him to a sad state. His face is worn, and haggard, and very ugly. His powerful build has become fleshy and weak, and he often stumbles when he walks, his balance poor. His appetite and digestion are ruined, usually he eats enormous quantities of food, often to the point of sickness, but then he will not eat for an entire day or more, seized with random and powerful bouts of fear that someone has poisoned his food. His sleep is restless, haunted by troubling dreams, and ghosts of his past.

Physical quirks

Although he is stooped, and bent, and often stumbles, he can move with surprising speed, walking with a strange, sideways gait. It is disturbing to see him scuttling towards you, huge shoulders drooping painfully low, his head bent to the side, dark, muddied eyes staring up from beneath bushy white hair, hands, huge and bony, like claws, outstretched as though reaching for something that isn't there.   He is known to snarl when angry, bearing his teeth, his face contorted in anger, sounding not unlike a wild dog.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He comes from a line of cursed Kings, and his family history is twisted with tales of insanity and murder. He himself is considered insane, although no one would dare to breathe such an idea aloud. His reign began with troublesome signs, and hopes of a new era were crushed when he murdered his wife, and announced that he would have no heir, that he needed to heir, for he would find the source of immortality, and reign as King forever.  Heavy taxes, poor diplomacy, threats of war, a struggling economy, corrupted alliances, and few advancements in technology or exploration, have marked his troubled reign, and left the people of Balnavia longing desperately for a new leader to guide them.  And thus it was that when a new figure appeared in the public eye, calling for change and restoration, promising a new era of hope and prosperity, the good people of Balnavia welcomed him with willing hearts full of gratitude and joy.

Personality Characteristics


He seeks the cure for death, so that he may gain immortality and rule forever. He does not claim to be a god, such as did his despised ancestor before him, but he sees himself as the best ruler for his kingdom, he alone has the power and knowledge one must possess to be king. Once he has found the source of eternal life, his strength will return and he will become like a young man, strong and restored to the flower of youth. Immortality


Family Ties

He has one younger sister who yet lives, and with whom he shares a tumultuous relationship. If he were to die, she would take up the throne as queen and carry on the line.
Current Status
On a mission to find immortality
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
He comes from the cursed line of Farin.
Squinty dark blue eyes, cloudy, droopy,
Bushy white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A pale, gray, almost green-ish color
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There is no man who has a greater desire for the good of my people...I seek only what is best, and my virtue shines as a light of guidance in these dark days. He who would speak ill of me, or go against the truth of my ways, is foolish, and will find only sorrow and pain at the end of his days. But he who stands with me is wise, and will find a blessing from the gods."

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