Barron Character in Elthir | World Anvil
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You were a hero.   You risked your life so that others could live.   You placed yourself in the path of death and danger to protect those who could not protect themselves.   You forsook everything, so that they could keep it all.   You were willing to die, because you believed that their lives were worth dying for.   And now, they have turned against you.   They want to kill you.   The very men that you risked everything for want to end your life. Shamelessly, they hunt you down, forgetting what you did for them. They are searching for you...hoping, desiring, lusting for your blood.     The protected want to destroy their protector.   Can there be any greater injustice than this?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Years of military training and discipline have shaped Barron into a very strong, athletic man. He's quick and agile; his arms well muscled from long years of using a bow.

Facial Features

Square-ish in shape, rough features but a kind face. He has a friendly smile that makes his eyes go all crinkly in the corners. A large, dark beard, once well-trimmed, but is becoming a bit scraggly. Has a long, fairly deep scar that runs diagonally from the left-side of his nose down to his jaw and is partly hidden in his beard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Barron was born to a upper class lieutenant of the Balnavian Army. From his first day it was obvious that Barron was destined to join the army. Not only was it the desire of his parents, as a young boy he also expressed a longing to take up a soldier's life. His childhood was spent in training and preparing him for army life and by the tender age of ten, Barron was showing great skill in sword fighting and archery.   Although handy with the sword, his true skill was in the bow. Barron's aim was sure and swift and rarely did he miss his mark. He was picking up a bow as soon as he was old enough to know how to use one, and his love for this weapon only grew as he aged. He was a fast learner and before long was known throughout the land as one of the best archers in Balnavia.   At the age of fourteen, Barron followed in the footsteps of his father, Lieutenant Berin and joined the army. A good soldier and a man with a steady mind and strong morals, Barron soon endeared himself to his superiors and comrades alike. During the War of Kemperlain, Barron single-handedly saved the lives of hundreds of men, including a general and thus distinguished himself as a hero. Because of this, he was promoted to the rank of an officer. At the young age of 24, in light of his war time achievements, Barron was promoted to General. He was youngest ever to receive that honor.


Barron is employed by the Balnavian government.

Personality Characteristics


Barron is motivated by a desire to achieve. When he sets his mind to do something, he's going to do it and do it well. He believes the only thing that stands in the way of perfection is himself.
Current Status
On a questionable pursuit for justice
Current Residence
Wensley, Elyria
Warm green-brown eyes, kind, with lots of smile lines around them,
Dark brown hair. Thick, wavy, a little shaggy, starting to curl over his ears and across his forehead.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Naturally darker skin, tanned,
Aligned Organization

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