Vallenkiach Organization in Elsinya | World Anvil
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An ancient kingdom from the beginning of the third era.  The kingdom was located high in the mountains of northern Cauron in a series of large valleys.  Many of the cultures of modern northern Cauron can trace their lineage to Vallenkiach.  Legends of the kingdom say that it was a haven for dragons and other mythical creatures.  However, stories say the what might have been a civil war or some other conflict with other dragons brought the kingdom to ruin.  Currently, the kingdom is uninhabited except for the occasional hermit.  The mountains and valleys are inhabited by various types of draconic creatures.  Any attempts to resettle the region have lead to a massacre of the settlements.  Very few expeditions into the valleys have successfully investigated the multitude of ruins, the precautions needed to safely transit the region necessitate small groups.

540|560 3E - 1315|1325 3E

Geopolitical, Kingdom

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