Kinsolted Profession in Elonia | World Anvil
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Kinsolted (Kin-solt-ed)


The beast masters of the outer plains of the great plateau. These men and women are chosen for their abilities granted to them by the god of beasts Kinsol themself. The most common of these abilities is that of beast speech, which allows the Kinsolted to speak with the creatures of Kinsol in their own tongue. This gift is often first seen when the children speak with birds or pets, and is taken incredibly seriously. A family that produces a Kinsolted is held in high honor throughout the kingdoms of the entire Great Plateau.

Swearing in of the Kinsolted

Once a child has been identified as one of the Kinsolted they are brought to the found in the nearest patch of woods to their settlement. Here they will receive their first test as a Kinsolted in front of the god himself. A Munt will be released into a pen of Tauis, the Kinsolted child must stop the Munt from harming a single Tauis. Many of the candidates can talk the Munt into a calm obedience with just a few words. Others have been known to out themselves in between a charging Munt with their hand outstretched. Instead of a collision that most normal folk could not survive the Kinsolted are left untouched and the Munt is stopped with its head nuzzled into their hands.

After each successful test the Kinsolted are thrown a feast before they are sent away to join their brethren. This is when their training officially begins and they are no longer seen as a citizen of any kingdom, but instead a guardian of the wild and men.


Kinsolted Training and Lifestyle

Kinsolted live in small clusters across the great Plateau. Each kingdom has their own sub-sect that watches over that kingdoms wild territories and keeps the peace between man and beast. They are nomadic and tend to move with each full moon. Kinsolted live in encampments made from natural shelters like large overhangs or hollowed out trees. They are known to use sleeping rolls made from the skins of Tauis and lined with the furs of a Gontiel.

Training for a Kinsolted last nearly five years and consists of an apprentice shadowing masters of each region. This allows each apprentice to learn the many types of beast that occupy the Plateau and how to deal with various threats. The Kinsolted as well learn various skills for surviving in the wilderness such as fire making and foraging. Along with training to use the Kinsolted's chosen weapon. Given that smithing is not a trade amongst the Kinsolted they have instead turned to weapons and tools made from the beasts of the forests and the trees that sustain them. Common weapons and tools include bone knives, bows, bone axes, mallets, and slings. Each apprentice will craft their own tools and weapons over the course of their five years. After an apprentice has worked in each of the twelve kingdoms of the plateau as well as the wild range their training is complete.

Kinsolted Legacy

Kinsolted are honored amongst the many settlements and kingdoms that occupy the Great Plateau. They are not paid formally for their services but often times are honored with gifts of food and supplies when they assist a town or settlement. They have kept an arrangement with the kingdoms that is said to have gone all the way back to the first Kinsolted and the first hero king of the plateau. The exact details were lost to time, but the oath they swore is still known to all Kinsolted.

"Kinsol be our witness we will protect. Protect the trees and the beasts from those who wish them harm. Protect the people and their loved ones from the beasts that stray to far beyond the limits Kinsol has given them. The laws of man and wild will be kept in balance. No side will gain an upper hand under our watchful eyes. This will be our purpose until the rivers dry and the sun sets for the last time. The Kinsolted are we."

Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry


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Jan 18, 2023 19:26 by Bryan Bolstad

New Year's Resolution challenge Constructive Feedback: Although the rules said only constructive feedback, I'd like to do a little of both.   I really like when I see pronunciations of a word. It takes away the guesswork which keeps me focused on the content. You did a great job of this at the very start of the article. The quote/motto at the bottom of the article was a compelling read. It adds a lot of lore and flavor to the profession and is fun to read. This really drives investment of the reader to want to read more of the article. Overall, I have an initial lust for more information which is a great sign that you have created intriguing content for viewers!   For constructive feedback, When you first talk about Kinsol the god of beasts, consider using the bold function on their name. As a viewer, this helps me see that there is more to the story and potentially more content will come once you replace the bolded name with a link to known information about Kinsol (barring that it is not hidden information to the adventure). When you first talked about "Munt" and "Tauis", consider adding a snippet popup to give a brief description when you hover over their names of what they look like. This will help the reader more fully visualize what you would like them to look like and add flavor to your worldbuilding. Consider placing the quote above the section called "Swearing in of the Kinsolted". I believe reading this quote earlier on will really inspire readers to want and read more of the article. Also, there are functions I've seen on other individuals articles that allow you to place information in little "indented speech squares" that makes the content stand out. I think these "speech squares" would look great for your quote/motto.   I hope this feedback is helpful. Thanks again for the great read. Keep up the great work!

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