Zhentarim Organization in Elo-Toril | World Anvil
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A consortium of mercenaries, spies, dark mages and the faithful of the god of strife and lies - the Zhentarim had been a corrupt influence throughout most of Western Faerûn for over 2 centuries. But according to many, the Time of Troubles created some significant changes in the organization. Their god was banished by his divine counterparts, many of their fortresses fell to internal and external forces, their influence diminished, and a power vaccum caused a change of leadership within the cartel.

Nowdays, the Zhentarim have supposedly become little more than a mercantile company, interested in securing trade routes and providing mercenaries-for-hire to the merchants who would use them. But their sordid history has left their name on the tongues of many who have long memory, and a bitter taste to go with it.


The Forgotten Realms Wiki has a detailed History of the Zhentarim, but this information will contain spoilers.


Historically, primarily populated by followers of Cyric, and more recently, Bane.

Disclaimers & Gratitudes
Founding Date
Illicit, Cartel
Alternative Names
Black Network
Training Level
More information on the Zhentarim can be found at the Forgotten Realms Wiki, but this information may include potential spoilers.

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