The Haunted Isles Geographic Location in Elethia | World Anvil
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The Haunted Isles

A series of islands told of in legends, known for the many horrific events that occured there. It is said to be haunted, that travelling there means certain death. Scholars fear this island, as it has been home to some of the most powerful and horrifying creatures known to man, including the famous demi-god Agana The Flesh Sculptor.   Deep under the Haunted Isles lay Thun'Zol, the kingdom of the Triton. There they are ruled by their Kraken Overlord Zon'dal, Voice of the Deep, seemingly protecting something of great value.   The giant hole in the island was created when Samael The God of Chaos and Madness plunged the giant orb that serves as Ellania The Goddess of Creation prison deep into its center. Creating an elaborate, underground cave system which he then tasked Zon'dal, Voice of the Deep with protecting. Samael brought the Triton to the Material Plane to have them serve Zon'dal, to ease his task in keeping Ellania locked away until the end of time.

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