Ellania The Goddess of Creation Character in Elethia | World Anvil
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Ellania The Goddess of Creation

A mystical being, said to have created everything. From the world to the planes to every living being. Though people are beginning to question if she really exists, as the last recorded incident of someone claiming to have seen her was around year 2850.   The Order of The Evergiving Miracle dedicates their lives to following her faith. Believing in creativity and creation, that life means nothing without curiousity. Though the order grows smaller and smaller as no signs of Ellania's existence have appeared in recent years, all they have are the texts of old. Those who still follow her seem almost fanatical, preaching her existance, and many find them mad. Though it seems their ancient rituals work, no power is granted to them from their goddess.   Ellania is a strange being born from the explosion of a large sun. Those who know about these beings call them Immortals as they lack a better name for them. They are powerful beings born to serve as energy containers for The Universe, a sentient being surrounding all life. Many believe the universe to be more of a concept or a thing, but the truth is that it is a living, sentient being filled with nothing but a will to survive, though as a being of such immense size it is impossible for it to produce the energy needed to sustain itself. It's solution for this is to kill and destroy the oldest of it's children, the largest of the suns across the multiverse; forcing the energy to implode back into a single point in space, condensing it and storing it in a being created at that moment. These beings are what people call Immortals. The only way for an immortal to truly die is at the hands of another immortal, or at the behest of the Universe itself, in a moment in which it fears that it may no longer have enough energy to sustain itself. There are several of these beings, though Ellania herself has only met two of them.   Because of the massive amount of energy contained within the Immortals, it is common for the Immortals to destroy everything around them. This was the case for Ellania: everything she touched would rot or turn to ash.

Personal History

After her birth she wandered from world to world, unknowingly destroying everything in her path. The severity of her situation only became apparent after she witnessed a young man die as he tried to grab her cursed hands. Despite this she kept walking for millenia with a child's mind in hopes of finding somewhere it was okay for her to exist. Every millenium there was always one person who would treat her as one of their own instead of a monster, and it pained her greatly each time she watched these people pass. One such incident occured when she met a young child that was curious about the stange woman which walked nearby. In order to prevent him from coming close she used her magic to create a small, stuffed, leather ball which she tossed to the child before leaving the village. Many years later she stumbled across the man again, who had spent his entire life searching for her. After speaking to her, he returns the ball she had given him, realising that despite the ball being in her hands it did not turn to ash. He sparked the idea that perhaps the things she created herself would not be destroyed by her touch. She created Elethia shortly thereafter, as a sanctuary, a place she could call home where she need not be afraid to destroy things.     Using the seemingly endless energy within her she created the planet, shaping the mountains, filling the oceans and bringing life to this still world. Being on her own in her world quickly became lonely, so she returned to the worlds she had visited in the past, bringing different species and creatures to her world. Offering those who struggled in life a chance for a new start, she quickly noticed how the people she had brought to Ellethia began fighting. Heartbroken, she granted her blessing to individuals she believed showed potential, instructing them to try and preserve peace. Though not all she blessed followed her instructions, and many of those she blessed died, some of those blessed went on to ascend, to become the gods that exist today.

Ellania's Disappearance

Not all who received her blessing considered it as such. Some considered it to be a curse. One such man is Samael The God of Chaos and Madness, who, one day thousands of years ago, long before the current eras, trapped Ellania in a giant crystal orb filled with magical chains, preventing her from using magic to escape the orb. He then forced the crystal orb deep into the ocean through a small landmass, shattering the island. This created what is today known as The Haunted Isles. He instructed one of his followers, an ancient Kraken named Zon'dal, Voice of the Deep to guard this crystal with his life. He terraformed the area around the crystal to create a gigantic cavern the Kraken could make his home. Since then Ellania has been trapped in said crystal to hopefully one day be freed from her prison.  

Holy Books & Codes

Rites of the Evergiving Miracle,
Songs of Creation,
Legends of the Lady of Creation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crystal orb with blue and green intertwined inside, to symbolize green plantlife that is required on habitable worlds and blue to symbolize the water needed to survive. But it is also meant to symbolize a will to create and sustain not just life, but things to enhance one's life quality.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lady of Creation
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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