Eleril Attack on Paburh
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Attack on Paburh

Military action


The forces of the Black Hand attack the trade town of Paburh with a combined forces of orcs, cultists, and undead

The forces of the Black Hand attack the trade town of Paburh with a combined force of orcs, cultists, and undead.  The Raven's Alliance quickly leave Faribyr in the wake of the attacks there to move to help defend the town.  They arrive as the attack is progressing and breach the barricades that had been thrown up by the town's defenders,  striking the attacking force from behind.  Entering the town they quickly follow the bodies and sounds of fighting and come upon Tallus Rain, father to Isaac Rain and Lachlan Oakshadow battling on the steps of the temple of Abraz.  Lachlan is struck down and the Alliance moves to intervene only to be thwarted by the arrival of Isaac's mother and a shadow dragon.  They soon discover that the pair had made off with an item that had been secured in the church known as the Orb of Conflux.