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Ikiran is the dominant religion of Kirine, holding a large minority in Jaera.


Ikiran is led by a democratic group of priests known as the Sari. Their main duties are the appointment of other priests and organising large-scale offerings. A lower ranking priests are put in charge of smaller areas, with one priest for each area. Large cities may have two of these priests.


Ikiran is far less wealthy than many other organised religions in Elemaran, not having the religious taxes of Libran or the theocratic states of Supradia.

Mythology & Lore

Ikiran follows the belief that the universe started with a single spirit. This spirit saw greater meaning for the world, and manifested parts of himself into various forms. This created the universe. Finally, he created people, who were seperate from himself, as he wanted a beholder to marvel at his magnificence. Unfortunately, they corrupted his creations. By being near the parts of his soul, people seperated these fragments from him. Eventually, everything was separated, and he faded away into nothingness. Now only independent spirits remain.

Cosmological Views

Ikiran has a strong belief in spirits, following the idea that forces of nature are sentient and powerful.


Offerings are very common in Ikiran, as it is considered disrespectful to attempt to contact spirits without a suitable offering.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Ikiran has less influence than other religions but nevertheless, it still has a strong influence due to how culturally ingrained it is. It has no real legal or political power but it has a good deal of social power.
Religious, Organised Religion

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