Capture is a Cordaintine card game designed to be played by three people, popular in the central areas of the Great Continent, especially in Yannurrin and Gaen.
The deck is dealt out evenly between each player. After each player has seen their cards, any Null Cards are Discarded, meaning that the number of cards no longer divides into three, and the players can never have an equal number of cards.
For a turn, the players will each place down a card (only from the first five cards in their deck, excluding the Shifter card, which cannot be played). The player with the highest value card wins all of the other cards played that round. If the three cards are of equal value, they are kept on the table to be given to the winner of the next round. A losing player can use the Shifter Card, discarding that card, but also winning that round.
This repeats until 20 rounds in, when the player with the most cards wins.
Using the game as a method of gambling is often seen, and gambling dens specifically for Capture are not uncommon. Stakes are often small, but several games are played, each round taking a short time.
Components and tools
The deck used for Capture is as follows:
- Three cards for each value of card, the values going up to ten (three "one" cards, three "two" cards, etc)
- One "Shifter" Card
- Two "Null" Cards
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