Oathstones Item in Ekkalis | World Anvil
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Standing with a Seeking blade, one cut and down falls the god. Born from this death, a stone of gold with daily powers made to bring forth Arcanics.
Oathstones and Bloodstones are closely related, the current belief of Arcanists being that each is a power source derived from the life, and death, of either humans or Okkenan.  


  Oathstones are the rarest resource in all of Ekkalis, a known three currently in possession of the humans, one dedicated to each of the factions. Oathstones were key to the formation of the factions as a whole, allowing for the division from the original human empire on Ukkan Isle. Due to the importance of Oathstones, each faction has one allowing them to remain in power.   Oathstones are used solely by Arcanists due to their rarity, the extracted Oathstones are the most powerful source of standardized arcane energy. However, Oathstones are different than Bloodstones in that they aren't about the power of death but are the source of power for Okkenan.
Oathstones are used solely by Arcanists for the use of Arcanics. They are useful as they provide a larger amount of arcane energy than Bloodstones. However, they cannot be used for the summoning of Oathseekers.
Oathstones are rare and extremely difficult to collect, requiring the use of Oathseekers and the death of an Okkenan, a difficult feat.


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Cover image: by BrokenJac


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The counterpart source stones.   Arcanists
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