Eimatshya's EverQuest Homepage | World Anvil
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Eimatshya's EverQuest

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This is my personal "reboot" of EverQuest where I imagine what a new EverQuest game would be like if I were in charge of it. It is a project I sometimes work on just for fun. I am not affiliated with Daybreak Games and as I don't have the EverQuest license or 100 million dollars this is obviously just fan-fiction. If my ideas about how EverQuest should be rebooted are different from yours (and they probably are) feel free to leave a comment about what you would do differently. It is primarily inspired by classic Everquest. If you want to see some entirely original work, feel free to check out my other projects: Sidereal Wars and Koru.   The header image is the original box art for the game by Keith Parkinson.

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