Qeynos Settlement in Eimatshya's EverQuest | World Anvil
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A chivalric city located in the north eastern corner of the Qeynos Hills at the mouth of the Lifire River. The city is based around a feudal power structure headed by king Antonius Bayle IV. It is the suzerain of the farmholds of the southern Karanas and the Qeynos Hills. Its high stone walls are topped by battlements, and several orders of knights exist here. Ships from its port leave for Freeport and Keresal. The catacombs beneath the city are the lair of the Bloodsabers--a cabal of Thule worshipers including Thulites from Odus--and the Shadowrat clan ratonga, whom the Antonicans view as vermin. The Shadowrats and the Bloodsabers are currently warring over control of the catacombs. Qeynos proper offers Warrior, Templar, Cleric, and Swashbuckler trainers. The Bloodsabers offer Cleric (Thule), Templar (Thule), Assassin, Evoker, Conjurer, and illusionist trainers. The Shadowrats have Swashbuckler, Cleric (Anashti Sul), and Templar (Anashti Sul) trainers.  


  Arena Square: a plaza with many vendors. It also has the Pantheon. Its name comes from the Grounds of Fate, an arena (and Warrior guild) located on the north western corner of the square. The Wind Spirit's Song (the headquarters of the League of Troubadours) is located here as is the Magistrate's office, which offers various quests.   The Bayside Docks: the harbor where ocean going ships dock. This neighborhood has three warehouses and the tavern and inn known as the Fish's Ale. Ships to Freeport leave every 15 minutes. Ships to Keresal leave every 20 minutes.   The Catacombs: Beneath the city, a network of tunnels and cells are all that remains of the Ossuary of the ancient Combine city that predated Qeynos. The Bloodsaber lair offers a hearth at which players with good Bloodsaber faction can recover fatigue. It also has a bank.   The Gates: The Lion's Mane Inn is located in this neighborhood.   The Riverside Docks: a riverport on the Lifire estuary where trade barges from Rivervale dock. Crow's Pub and Casino is located here.   The Sewers: the city has a network of sewers which partially intersects with the catacombs. The sewers are home to the Shadowrat Ratonga. Their lair has a bank as well as a hearth where Shadowrats can recover fatigue.  


  The Fallen Princess: Duke Tydus Ramsley is concerned about the recent resurgence of the undead. He blames the cult of the Bloodsabers and believes that Anura Bayle, the exiled daughter of the Kane Bayle, is behind them. He will pay handsomely for her head.

Guilds and Factions

The Bloodsabers: a necromantic organization led by the king’s undead brother Kane Bayle (under the tutelage of his Thulite mentors). The Bloodsabers are dedicated to overthrowing the Usurper and putting Kane back on the throne (under whose leadership Thule worship would again be mandatory). They have been recruiting converts and agents from the guard and nobility, as well as the Qeynos Citizens.   The Circle of Unseen Hands: The local thieves’ guild. Located in a secret room below Crow's Pub & Casino.   The Constables: The guards of Qeynos. Some of them are secretly Bloodsabers.   Qeynos Citizens: The common people.   The Knights of Thunder: An order of Templars dedicated to Karana.   The Knights of Justice: An order of Templars dedicated to Marr.   The Knights of the Heart: An order of Templars dedicated to Erollisi. Antonia Bayle, daughter of King Bayle, left the court to join this order.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym

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Cover image: by Keith Parkinson


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