Oggok Settlement in Eimatshya's EverQuest | World Anvil
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Oggok is an ogre city in the Feerrot. It offers warrior, cleric (Rallos Zek), and templar (Rallos Zek) trainers.   The city is located within a colossal cave in the Rathe Mountains. A rudimentary wall of crudely stacked boulders guards the cave entrance. The town itself consists of large stones positioned to create rudimentary shelters. All non Rallos Zek worshipers are KoS and will be eaten if killed by the ogres. Non-ogre worshipers of Zek are dubious.   There are no written signs in Oggok due to the ogre inability to read. Certain shops and establishments are labeled by a display outside (e.g. a gorilla skull, a garland of vertebrae, an animal hide). Directions will make use of the display (e.g. "Go house wit red snake skull. He der.").

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Cover image: by Keith Parkinson


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