Cliffs of Rujark Geographic Location in Eimatshya's EverQuest | World Anvil
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Cliffs of Rujark

The Cliffs of Rujark are a highland region in southwest Tharron, south of the Elddar Desert and west of the Rathe Mountains. The western foot of the Sphinxes' Pass starts here. The area is arid but wetter than the desert to the north. The short rainy season briefly turns the grasses and shrubs green. The rest of the year they are dry and faded, the scattered oak trees being the only spots of green. Numerous arroyos crisscross the region creating a jagged latticework of crevasses, cliffs, and canyons. This makes it a slow and treacherous area to traverse for most species.   The land is home to the Rujarkian lizardfolk and the Sandskimmer Aviaks. Blooddrinker Orcs from the desert raid the comparatively verdant Cliffs, and the Lizardfolk must always be on guard against their incursions.  


  Rujark Island: Rujark Island is an island that rises as a high sandstone butte out of a small river. The Rujarkian lizardfolk have made their home atop the island. The sheer sides of the island make it difficult for most species to reach the village, but lizardfolk are excellent climbers and have little trouble reaching the top. The village offers warrior, shaman, and ranger trainers.   Ancient Oak: an Ancient Oak can be found in this region. A lizardfolk druid has taken up residence here and offers druid training to any who complete her quest.

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Cover image: by Keith Parkinson


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