Jedi Order Organization in Edge of the Empire | World Anvil
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Jedi Order

"For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire." ―Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenob
  The Jedi Knights were a noble order of Force-sensitive protectors—united by their ability to use the Force—who upheld peace and justice in the Galactic Republic for over a thousand generations. As keepers of the peace, the Jedi Order undertook diplomatic missions on behalf of the Galactic Senate, and pursued interplanetary criminals across the galaxy.  

Jedi Code

  There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force   The Jedi Code encompassed the central philosophies that the Jedi were expected to study, understand, and adhere to. It provided a guide when circumstances and events exceeded exceptions or experiences. Interpreting the code was difficult to do in the moment, so the Jedi discussed and assessed possible reactions and situations throughout their training and career.   While the Jedi have essentially disappeared from the Galactic Empire, their code remains in many holocrons, text, and records. A character successfully researching the Jedi should eventually discover a copy of the code, as it is not a secret and is referenced in the historical records of many worlds. Even the Empire cannot completely purge it from all memory sources.


Jedi Knights, Masters, and Apprentices

  The most common circumstances under which a citizen might have met or seen a Jedi was when a Jedi Knight, accompanied by an apprentice, or Padawan learner was on a mission. Some older citizens might remember the different levels of Jedi, but most simply called them all Jedi Knights. Meeting a Jedi was normally a life experience not easily forgotten.   The Jedi had four basic levels of experience and knowledge. When deemed ready to advance, they were required to prove their aptitude and abilities, whether by test, trial, or extraordinary experience.  
  • Initiates: Were the children, or younglings sent to the temple to train to become a Jedi. Some citizens have heard falsehoods of Jedi forcibily taking Force-using children to the temple for training.
  • Padawans: were adolescents and young adults apprenticed to a specific Jedi Knight
  • Jedi Knights:were the most common. They carried out missions assigned by the Jedi High Council, some times at the behest of the Republic Senate or the Chancellor. During the CloneWars, they served as the commanders and generals over cloen trooper units and were often seen in the midst of battle. people might have remembered specific Jedi exploits in famous battles
  • Jedi Masters: were older Jedi who proved through experience and extraordinary aptitude their mastery of the Force. The masters oversaw all Jedi training and education. They carried out their research. They sat on the Jedi Councils, though there were far more Masters than Council seats. They commanded entire armies during the Clone Wars, and the public viewed them as powerful and the wisest of Jedi
  • The Grand Master: also called the Master of the Order, was the elected head of the Jedi High Council. Only Masters ofunique skill and experience recieved the title, and even then, only one existed at a time.

The Jedi Councils

' Four councils governed the Jedi Order. Each council would meet within one of the five spires atop the Jedi Temple and typically comprised several Jedi Masters, the exact number varying over the years. The average citizen was likely to have heard of the Jedi Council, usually meaning the High Council, but probably none of the others.  
  • The High Council: oversaw all others and was the guiding authority of the Jedi Order. It dealt directly with the Republic Senate, the Chancellor, other public authorities, and outside institutions. It directed and coordinated Jedi assignments and missions when employed with clone troopers during the Clone Wars. The high council naturally held great influence and commanded respect, even among its political enemies of Coruscant. /li]
  • The Council of First Knowledge Maintained and protected the Jedi Archives. It oversaw knowledge and information passed along the initiates and Padawans during their training. Public contact was restricted to archive acquisitions and special requests from the public or government agencies.
  • The Council of Reconciliation:
  • Served as the Jedi diplomatic corps. It oversaw missions of arbitration and negotiation in which Jedi served as peacemakers or impartial judges in conflicts throughout the galaxy. It had daily contact with many of the galaxy's troubled governments and corporations.
  • The Council of the Reassignment
  • administered the Jedi Serve Corps, which oversaw the assignment, promotion, and development of the Jedi who failed to pass their initiate or Padawan trials. The Corps maintained the Jedi Temple, equipment, and all Jedi installations. Corp members with particular aptitudes in non-combat Force use were also occasionally sent to aid others, such as missions of healing or rebuilding after conflict.


While the fall of the Jedi and Republic might have seemed abrupt to the average citizen, both events occured only after centuries of secret Sith preparation, interference, and undermining. Working from the shadows, the Sith manipulated events throughout the galaxy to weaken the Republic, encourage corruption, and stoke the fires of dissent and opposition. Senator Palpatine and his allies deftly manipulated the Senate, orchestrating his own rise to the Chancellorship. Throughout contrived emergiences, he ultimately was able to declare himself Emperor.   For much of the Republic history, the Jedi commanded a great deal of respect among the Senate and the populate. Though they often shouldered the blame for ancient struggles and galactic-scale wars with the Sith, centuries of duty to the republic built them a reputation for fairness and loyalty. As the Republic descended into corruption and division in its last decades, the Jedi struggled to maintain the ideals the Republic's own leadership disregarded or twisted to their own profit.   The average citizen never met a Jedi. Many learned of the Jedi through school and history, or invetiably heard of their exploits n the news; however, Jedi members were too few compared to the vastness of the Republic and its billions of beings to be particularly visible. Further, the Jedi tended to seclude themselves in their temples and training centers, away from public view. Most citizens simply had no personal connection to, or experience, with a Jedi, and understood the Force even less.   The clone Wars brought the Jedi to the daily public news, as they took command of clone military units and battled the separatists. The world they saved regarded them as heroes. The Separatists saw them as one more problem with the Republic. Jedi commanders became a hated enemy of the Separatists forces. The public saw Jedi exploits daily - The good and the bad - but the Jedi stood apart and afloof from most.   Challencor Palpatine manipulated Jedi missions during the war, sometimes setting them up for failure or exposing less honorable Jedi actions in the process. He befriended Anakin Skywalker and chipped away at the young Jedi's faith and trust in the Jedi Order and Council. As the Jedi changed from peacekeepers to warriors over the years, they lost some of their luster in the public eye. Palapetine's masterstroke manipulated the Jedi attempt to arrest and expose him as a Sith Lord into the appearance of an attempted coup, and he used it as the final justification for declaring himself Emperor. Close Jedi allies were shocked by the accusation and watched, unable to stop Palpatine from achieving his long-suspected goals - total power and control over the galaxy.

Demography and Population

Very few amount of Jedis. Predicted amount was around 5,000 total.
Notable Members

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