The Wheel Settlement in Edge of The Empire | World Anvil
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The Wheel

The Wheel, formally known as space station BDT-0978, is an enormous orbital structure located in the outer rim. As its name implies, the station's main fuselage resembles a massive rotating ring that has the diameter of a small moon, glittering with the lights from a thousand portholes. Two long spokes intersected at a bulbous hub, from which spring a vertical axis that supports two smaller rings, one of which was known as the Upper Ring. The space station is divided in levels hosting many casinos, cantinas, sporting arenas, and shopping malls.


  • Farlander's outfitting
  • The gambling den
  • The Blasted Asteroid cantina
  • The Dented Droid
  • Hal's parts store
  • Tasia's tapcafe
  • Sonou's clothing
Orbital, Station
Characters in Location
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