Session report: BTR Episode I Report in Edge of The Empire | World Anvil
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Session report: BTR Episode I

General Summary

Amid the backdrop of galactic civil war, a huge space station known as The Wheel is one of the few places still beyond the Emperor's reach, attracting low-lifes, fortune-seekers, and refugees alike.   Meanwhile, a derelict message pod discovered by an illicit tech company on the the Wheel, Isotech, gives new life to old smugglers' stories about a long-lost separatist treasury ship, the Sa Nalaor. The wreck lies at the edge of wild space, waiting to be found by those brave or crazy enough to look…   Prologue   Zaalia, having extricated herself from the The Exchange and the Empire, has recently settled on The Wheel, a space station that lies just beyond the reach of imperial control. This was a perfect base of operations from which to intervene in The Empire’s slave trading and to feed her drug habit. Along the way she has built up a motley crew of individuals who appear to share her anti-imperial enthusiasm.   Her addiction has been worsening severely, and due to being drastically low on credits, she decided that she needed to get off the gear and get away from the Wheel for a while. A couple of old contacts put her in touch with Reom, a Twiilek tech dealer who is the head of Isotech, and who contacts her to set up a meeting.   Zaalia and her crew meet with Reom at the Isotech offices to discuss the mission and negotiate terms. They are to locate the Sa Nalaor, a CIS Banking Clan frigate that went rogue during the clone wars. At minimum, their objectives are to:  
  • Assess its condition
  • Recover useful evidence or technology
  • Deliver any further information to Isotech base on Raxus prime
Reom agrees to pay 12,000 credits total, and the crew manage to convince him to pay 2,000 up front to help with the procurement of supplies. They discover that the Sa Nalaor is located on Cholganna, a planet just beyond the outer rim. Reom provides system coordinates from the message pod, and the crew must travel there along the Perlemian trade route, a three-day journey with a class-1 hyperdrive. Reom expects to split any additional money or treasure aboard 50/50. Further, he notes that Isotech are not the only group interested in the Sa Nalaor and warns the crew to be careful.   Finally, the crew agree to take IT-3PO with them, an Isotech protocol droid who is familiar with the ship, and who belonged to Ropok, Reom’s father. The droid has been functioning since the clone wars, when the Sa Nalaor went rogue. It knew Rel Harsol, the Sa Nalaor’s captain, and possibly others aboard.   Exploring The Wheel   At this point Zaalia’s withdrawal symptoms drastically worsen and the party realises that without either a cure or more glitterstim, she will be rendered unconscious and their mission will be over. They decide to split into two groups. ZAALIA, B1, and WHENDY go in search of glitterstim to ease the withdrawal, while KET, TARK, and REKK set off in search of supplies for the mission to Cholganna. Zaalia, B1, and Whendy deal with an ISB plot to coerce and manipulate Zaalia via torture, whilst Ket, Tark, and Rekk get into some arguments procuring supplies.   Eventually Zaalia, B1, and Whendy catch up with everyone at Farlander’s and the crew as a whole decide to also purchase a crash survival kit. After some discussion they agree to head back to the ship as it is about time for IT-3PO to be delivered and for the crew to head off in search of the separatist banking frigate.   The Yiyar Clan   The crew wait for the droid at their ship as per Reom’s instructions, but 30m pass with no sign of delivery. Reom’s offices fail to answer communications, and neither can they get in touch with Reom’s sister, Shira, who had originally facilitated the transfer.   Finally, the crew notice some shady looking Rodians throwing what looks like a protocol droid onto a cargo sled and making off through the hangar deck corridors. It is obviously the Yiyar clan, and the crew pursue them on foot. A skirmish takes place.   With the droid on the cargo sled, the Yiyar clan try to escape through the first set of blast doors in the corridor, with the crew chasing and firing on them. Whendy and Ket get up close and personal, brawling around the sled while the others take shots at the Yiyar clan members. All of the combatants have their blasters set to stun, however, as they understand the penalties for murder on the Wheel. Combatants take cover wherever possible and there is some damage to the station – Some light fittings and signs are destroyed and the walls quickly become scarred with blaster fire. The sled eventually gets trapped in a closing doorway and the front falls off, rendering it almost useless. Ket and Whendy get control of the sled, and are still able to slam it into reverse while the others provide covering fire.   Aftermath / Epilogue   Eventually the station administrator shows up with droids and various other security personnel to put an end to the combat. The Yiyar clan are forced to slink away, avoiding consequences for their actions due to their clout as established and valuable traders on the station. The players return to the ship having rescued IT-3PO, but the question of who will pay for the collateral damage remains unanswered…
Report Date
28 Mar 2019
Primary Location
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