Merlara Loeonin Character in Edarah | World Anvil
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Merlara Loeonin

Empress Merlara Loeonin (a.k.a. Edarah's Mother)

Merlara Loeonin was married to her second cousin, Emperor Taunar Loeonin, and was mother of four sons; Folwin, Ailas, Vulred, and Conall. Conall, the forth born, died of an unknown sickness. Before becoming empress, Merlara worked on her husbands farm and, like most women at the time, did all of the house chores and cooking for her husband.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Merlara was an average sized high elf.

Body Features

She had long, blonde hair and was a little tanner than most high elves.

Physical quirks

Had a confident yet loving posture.

Apparel & Accessories

Wore casual clothes but dressed up on occasions.
137 AC 189 AC 52 years old
Long, Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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