Ecura The First "Day of Forgiveness".
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The First "Day of Forgiveness".

Cultural event


A historical account of the beginning date of recorded Ecurian history. Known as "The Day of Forgiveness", this day would become an annual tradition for Ecurian Civilisations held on day zero each year. Day zero is neither belonging to the end of a year or the beginning of a year, it is also seasonless.

The first "Day of Forgiveness" was held on day zero in year 0. The first day of recorded Ecurian history, it got its' name due to an event that took place in Ecura concerning the original tribes many years ago. In order to prevent the land of Ecura from being a war ravaged wasteland, local tribe leaders met to discuss a truce. Local intellectuals were present in order to document the day, where each tribe would be apologised to by each other tribe leader for any past treachery, war or betrayal. They feasted together and as a sign of peace entrusted each other to feed them the first bites of the feast around a circular table. Each leader put a piece of bread into the mouth of the leader to their left at the table, entrusting that no leader would dare bite the hand that feeds them. This was considered a sign of good faith and brought an end to the barbaric era and ushered in a new era of peace that would last for centuries. They also developed the Ecurian calendar as it's known today, and signed a peace treaty known as the "Declaration of Forgiveness". Each tribe commissioned an intellectual to document their history from that day forth, and from that we have the first primary historical sources Ecurians ever produced.     Today in Ecura, the feast is had at home with loved ones and as you eat you forgive anyone who has done you wrong over the past 364 days and will not carry that anger or resentment into the next calendar year, or so tradition states. In some households a mimicking of the first bite is performed by family members, who place bread into the mouth of their family member to their left. This is not a practiced custom in all households however and this day is not a religious event, but a cultural one, and considered a cultural heritage to the current era.

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