The Calling Caverns Geographic Location in Ecura | World Anvil
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The Calling Caverns

The Calling Caverns mark the end of the Western Ecurian Plains on its southern side. The Cave is a well known lair for Goblins and few people dare to thread here unless deeply prompted to. Dark, dreary and home to various plants and animals, if navigated correctly there are tunnels which do not lead to Goblin lairs, but it does take someone who is knowledgeable on the caves to navigate. Do not enter here if you are of poor health, one wrong step could be your last.


A series of drak caves built into mounds on the South coast of Ecuria, these caves offer little in the way of light, but plenty in stone and clay, dust, and possible unexplored tunnels with treasure or mines. Not much is certain about these caves unless you've been inside them yourself.

Fauna & Flora

Flora include: Glowing Mushrooms, Mould and Fungi, Cave Moss. Fauna include: Bats, Spiders, Insects and Worms.

Natural Resources

Stone. Rainwater which is only gathered rarely as this section of Ecura is also prone to drought.
Cave System
Related Reports (Secondary)

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Author's Notes

This General Area is of my own creation. All rights belong to me. If you would like to use this General Area please seek Direct Permission.

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