Marcus of Xanu Character in Ecura | World Anvil
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Marcus of Xanu


Tribe Leader Marcus Unknown Unknown

A brief account of the known life of Marcus of Xanu.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When young he was considered a fit warrior. Into middle age and elder age he used words more than strength and lost most of his muscle mass.

Facial Features

Firm expression on face which commanded respect. Pointed nose which made his eyes appear slightly more separate than the average person.

Identifying Characteristics

Pointed nose and long black/grey hair.

Physical quirks

Good posture and confident stride.

Apparel & Accessories

Dressed in animal skin before he was given the settlement of Xanu. When weavers were founded in the settlement a few years later he was gifted a purple robe but still preferred to wear a crown made of animal bones.

Specialized Equipment

Purple Robe. Crown of Animal Bone. Battle Axe

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After signing the Treaty of Forgiveness at the first Day of Forgiveness, Marcus took residency of the land and settlement which he acknowledged when signing the treaty, known as Xanu. At 46 years old he was the first leader of the settlement. He brought his family there and had 3 children and his eldest son was to take over the duties of leadership after his passing.   During his life there were no major events that took place nationally. The Treaty of Forgiveness saw to it that there were no wars or trade quarrels. So Marcus focussed on laying the groundwork for the civilisation of Xanu. He established a trading outpost in the settlement and was honourable to the treaty. Allowing many travellers safe passage and use of his settlement.   He died a natural death and his line remained in power in Xanu until 364 A.Z.

Gender Identity





Did not receive a formal education but claimed he learned all he knew from his father, who was leader of the tribe before Marcus.


Tribe Leader for 60 years.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Signed the Treaty of Forgiveness. Began to grow Xanu as a settlement.

Failures & Embarrassments

None worthy of note.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Decent diplomat. Honourable.

Morality & Philosophy

Considered a good man by most, especially the Xanuans, he did not break the Treaty of Forgiveness. Was always fair and just whenever it was required of him.

Personality Characteristics


To see his settlement prosper and his people to be safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good diplomat and fighter. Bad at finances.

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient. Honest. Just.

Vices & Personality flaws

Law abiding to a fault at times.


Clean and tidy and clean shaven.


Contacts & Relations

In touch with the other leaders of the tribes and settlements after the Treaty of Forgiveness was signed.

Family Ties

Wife. Children.

Religious Views

Did not care for religion.

Social Aptitude

Confident in front of crowds and had an immediate commanding respect when he spoke or entered a room.


A man of few words.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoyed watching duels, jousting and combat.


Calm tone and deep voice.

Wealth & Financial state

Did not care much for money as his wealth was gathered by the faith and love of his people. however his treasury was never full nor empty.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Leader of Tribe/Settlement.
46 A.Z. 26 A.Z. -20 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of natural causes.
Western Ecurian Plains.
Long Black Hair which turned grey as he became older.
14 stone
Quotes & Catchphrases
Words are best thought about before talking.
Character Prototype
King Priam in the film Troy.

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