Elias of Trehort Character in Ecura | World Anvil
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Elias of Trehort


Chiefton of Trehort/Guildmaster of The Carpenters' Guild Elias

A description and account of the known and documented life of Elias of Trehort.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The only original tribe member to stay active over the age of 50, Elias still had an impressive physique for his age. Bones were strong instead of brittle and muscles could still be seen when he was shirtless. However in the bedroom, he was not as impressive, only managing to have one child, a son. This was partially due to age as well as the distractions his other responsibilities brought.

Body Features

Slim but broad figure, with tufts of white hair on his chest and body.

Facial Features

His facial hair surrounded his mouth in a brown mask, which eventually became as white as his body hair.

Physical quirks

For an unknown reason he breathed heavily through his mouth most of the time. His breathing was often audible and sparked debate if he had an illness but none were ever found.

Apparel & Accessories

Grey leather armour and brown pants were his outfit of choice when not on official business. When he needed to be taken more seriously he wore a green cape as well as a crown of elegant stag antlers and leaves interwoven around the circumference.

Specialized Equipment

Leather armour was his preferred armour which he wore all the time, his reasoning for this is that the forest was often a dangerous place and he had to prepare for the worst at all times. Despite preferring to avoid combat, when war was abundant B.Z., Elias used a boomerang-like weapon with two throwing knives, one on either end. When thrown, it would cut through the target using the blades and return to his hand thanks to the shape and balance of the wooden handle. This weapon was known as a Skimmerang.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After signing the Treaty of Forgiveness, Elias was granted the settlement of Trehort. Located in the Midland Forest, Elias was named the Chiefton of Trehort and his first order of business was to make use of his surroundings. Founding The Carpenters' Guild and residing over them as Guildmaster, he taught the joining members how to make use and take care of the natural resources all around them. This turned the guild into what it is today, an economic juggernaut with tree fellers, would milling and carpentry abundant in the area. Elias married late in his life and only managed to have one son who was only 16 when Elias passed away.   His passing was of tragic circumstance as he was still a fit man way past his prime. Succumbing to the venom of a vicious viper while hunting for sport alone, a search party was sent to try and find him. They came across his lifeless body, puncture wounds on the left arm and sent for his terrified wife and son. They left him to be consumed by the forest as Elias believed in not letting anything go to waste in the forest.

Gender Identity





Elias was a man of decent education. Unlike other tribe leaders he had a tutor. He excelled in finance and economics and understood that it took more than brawn and army size to be a leader. He too passed on his wisdom to the members of The Carpenters' Guild.


Tribe Leader. Guildmaster of The Carpenters' Guild. Chiefton of Trehort.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Laid the foundation for Trehort to become a prosperous town despite its' elusive location. Founded The Carpenters' Guild.

Failures & Embarrassments

Only having one child was seen as ironic and in some cases embarrassing. Leaving it so late to have children meant Elias was not exactly performing well in the bedroom as he was as Chiefton. The irony comes from the fact, in the middle of a forest where some of the most fertile land in Ecura is located, the Chiefton of Trehort only ever had one harvest.

Mental Trauma

No mental afflictions ever effected Elias, despite his age, his mind was sound.

Intellectual Characteristics

Excelled at financial and economical matters and had somewhat of an education. He also passed on his knowledge of these things to others.

Morality & Philosophy

Nothing is wasted in nature.

Personality Characteristics


Determined to overcome the challenges posed by his settlement and to keep his people in check when it comes to preserving the natural resources around Trehort.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A brilliant financial mind with an interest in economics. Often got too distracted to have much of a social life or produce children and heirs.

Likes & Dislikes

Adored nature and the natural world. Disliked and detested animal abusers and people who wasted valuable resources which the natural landscape provided.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick, rational thinker and could be extremely fair and kind.

Vices & Personality flaws

Judgemental and easily irritated over trivial matters which may have been important to him but often overlooked by others.

Personality Quirks

Had a party trick where he amused the children by moving his ears.


Extremely clean and hygienic for such an active man.


Contacts & Relations

In contact with the other original tribe leaders. Had a positive relationship with the members of The Carpenters' Guild.

Family Ties

A wife. One child, a son.

Religious Views

Had no personal devotion to a particular deity as many religions had not been established in a civilised manner during his lifetime. However he believed in nature and the forest. He recognised it was a living thing and he did his best to nourish it.

Social Aptitude

A confident leader, he was well liked and respected. No problem addressing crowds and often spoke in the Guild hall and taught and entertained some of the children of Trehort. There were some distasteful and mocking remarks sent his way for not having any children but these began to dissipate once his son was born.


Good with children, never too forceful of his opinion unless asked for it or if he was in a rage. However he was quick to judge and once he had you labelled in his mind it was near impossible to escape it. Physical mannerisms include stroking his beard while listening and sometimes falling asleep in his throne often awoken by his own snoring.

Hobbies & Pets

A keen interest in falconry, Elias kept a small aviary at the top of his red bark home which he had a total of five falcons which he tended to every day.


Hoarse voice which rarely escalated above a whisper.

Wealth & Financial state

Wealth was essential to the survival of Trehort, and having an education in that area certainly helped Elias keep the early days of the settlement in relative financial comfort. However he did not keep it all for himself. Each worker and guildmember were payed according to the work they did that month and there were always in depth records of the treasury kept within Elias' home.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chiefton of Trehort/Guildmaster of The Carpenters' Guild
32 A.Z. 39 A.Z. 7 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died from a poisonous snake bite while hunting.
Tired and baggy eyes, deep green in colour.
Shoulder length, brown, curly locks.
12 stone.
Quotes & Catchphrases
One man's rubbish is another man's greatest treasure, make use of everything and waste nothing.

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