Eberron Year of the Kingdom Timeline

Year of the Kingdom

The Tale of Eberon

Year of the Kingdom

... 998 YK

This timeline uses the common calendar of Khorvaire called the Galifar Calendar which was developed during the reign of King Galifar II, called "the Dark," and places it's year 1 at the year of the founding of the Kingdom of Galifar. (Year of the Kingdom or YK) so all dates prior to that year are negative numbers and all dates after are positive.

  • 367 YK


    Creation of Shatterstorm
    Technological achievement

    The first documented use of the powerful material Frostflix by the Dwarvish empire of the Seawall Mountains. The Dwarves, under the guidance of master smith Akvarda and the great dwarvish warrior Kikavon managed to acquire the ore, working it gingerly in their forge over many, many days finally managed to forge the legendary Bastard Sword Shatterstorm. Kikavon ensured this weapon remained in the knowledge of the enemies of the Dwarves for many long years to come as he wielded it with such ferocity that few even dared challenge the dwarves of the Seawall Mountains until long after his passing from Dragon related incidents in 398 YK.

  • 894 YK

    19 Eyre 08:00
    996 YK

    12 Lharvion 13:00

    The Last War
    Military action

    As King Jarot of Galifar approached old age, questions about the succession of his throne ran rampant. Although by tradition, his eldest scion, Princess Mishann of Cyre was to claim the throne, others doubted her ability to rule. Prince Thalin of Thrane felt he was far more fit to rule instead. However, on the king's deathbed in 894 YK, he gave Mishann his blessings and bade Prince Wrogar of Aundair to honor his decision.   At the funeral shortly thereafter, Mishann discussed the details of her coronation with her siblings, but they held a deaf ear to her words. Indeed, they personally threatened to send their soldiers to Thronehold to prevent any such action. Only her brother Wrogar remained allied to Cyre, since he was bound by honor. Later in the year 894 YK hostilities commenced. Alliances were formed, shifted, and were broken over the course of the war. Virtually no part of the continent was unaffected.   The Treaty of Thronehold was signed in 996 YK, two years after the Day of Mourning destroyed Cyre. The treaty effectively put an end to the conflict while at the same time recognizing twelve of the fifteen new nations that had come into existence during the Last War. Although the signatories abide by the treaty, many feel that the current peace will only give way to more warfare. Until one nation defeats the others and claims the throne of the ancient Kingdom of Galifar, many believe there will never be a true and lasting peace.

  • 994 YK

    20 Ollarune 06:00
    996 YK

    6 Eyre 06:00

    Day of Mourning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    20 Olarune 994 YK, the Day of Mourning, marked more than the beginning of the end of the Last War, it was the end of a nation. On that day the nation of Cyre was destroyed in a holocaust of fire and magic.   In what is now known as the Field of Ruins in southwestern Cyre, the combined forces of the Brelish military, led by Princess Borann, and Thrane armies, led by Bishop-Militant Grodan, a close friend and advisor of High Cardinal Krozen, joined by pact, were attacking a much smaller Cyran force. The Cyrans had just been reinforced, after having cleverly used tireless warforged units for days to convince their opponents that they possessed greater numbers, but were still outnumbered 3-1.   Karrn attackers were moving through Cyre to the north, in a retaliatory strike for the recent Cyran attack on Atur, Karrnath, near the Ashen Spires.   However bad things might have looked for the Cyrans, no one could have imagined the devastation in store. And the invading armies were not spared. The skies are said to have burned so brightly that soldiers at Angwar Keep in Thrane were blinded. In the end, virtually everyone within the borders of what is now the Mournland perished.

  • 996 YK

    6 Eyre 06:00

    The Treaty of Thronehold
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty of Thronehold is the treaty, signed in former Galifaran capital city Thronehold in 996, between the surviving four of the Five Nations, formally ending the Last War. It divided Galifar into its constituent nations, also recognizing a number of former vassals of the Five Nations as sovereign. Cyre and Droaam were not represented at this treaty. Amongst the provisions of the Treaty of Thronehold were the emancipation of Warforged and the banning of the Creation Forges.

  • 998 YK

    13 Ollarune 08:00

    The Adventure Begins!

    The Party sets forth from Fairhaven, boarding an airship set to take them on the next leg of their journey. Where will this Journey take this raw crew of adventurers? Only time will tell.