Eastrix The Fall of Moonshore
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The Fall of Moonshore

Disaster / Destruction


The city of Moonshore explodes due to mysterious circumstances.

The city of Moonshore explodes due to mysterious circumstances. After Amanar, a then mysterious god, tempts the young and naïve Corbin Dread, now known as Gligamesh J. Legba, into placing unknown magical balls around the town of Moonshore. These balls would turn out to be bombs of a great necromantic origin. The then Corbin defied the pact between him and Amanar. Amanar as punishment for this defiance, therefor choose to explore the bombs, taking Moonshore down. Corbin and his allies; Andred Shadoweave and Adamiel Bartholemaeus Tamariel von Hinan Tenarius the 2nd.

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