Skrýmir Character in Eastrix | World Anvil
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The Jötunn Spinner


Skrýmir is the god of change and ambiguity in the Fryst pantheon. He has throughout history been seen as both a disturbance and a blessing in the history of the Fryst pantheon. Some believers say that he is the evil aspect of the pantheon, whilst others say that he is the reason that the pantheon is still alive to this day. According to some sources, Skrýmir is the son of Kieflir, the king of the jötunn (Fryst word for giant) and an unknown mother who varies in different lore tomes as sometimes being a goddess of some kind and other times being a mortal woman. To others Skrýmir, is the chaotic son of Wōđan. Skrýmir has been a lingering name throughout the Hole of the Mad Mage and Herain seemingly has been interacted with set entity. It's through the dagger known as Skrýmir's Toothpick and the many engravings into the many rocks throughout the dungeon that Skrýmir once again appeared.


Skrýmir is restless, impulsive, talkative, and highly sociable. He is particularly clever, and enjoys subverting expectations. He often will be quick to grant powers, favor or even help to those that he see fit. His ability to think outside the box and solve problems in ways the other gods would not have considered, have casued him to both have a sense of infamy and yet also be seen as god that stays fresh no matter the circumstance. Skrýmir is also proud and vainglorious. He believes himself the best of the Norse gods, and will always take an opportunity to prove himself smarter and better capable.


Skrýmir's relation with the other gods in the pantheon varies by source; Skrýmir sometimes assists the gods and sometimes behaves maliciously towards them. This variance is something that the followers of Skrýmir keep as a form of prayer and show dedication. Shouldn't the god of change be constantly changing? Skrýmir himself is a shapeshifter and in separate incidents appears in the form of a salmon, a mare, a fly, and humanoids of different kinds. Skrýmir's positive relations with the gods often ends with ambivalence as his prophesy always has foretold him being the Ragnarok of his fellow gods. In the stories where Skrýmir has a bad relationship with the other gods, he often ends captured by the goddess, Skaði. Skaði is responsible for placing a serpent above him while he is bound. The serpent drips venom from above him into his eyes causing Skrýmir to writhe in pain. In these stories the day that the world ends, Skrýmir's prophesy is instead to slip free from his bonds and to fight against the gods among the forces of the jötnar, to which will end with only Skrýmir standing.

A quote on Skrýmir from Garry Berry Hart, a world-renowned tourist guide:
"Skromyr, Skeetmir, Sky-mere, Skrolmir...Fucking Fryst names..."

Handsome, charming and yet a bit skittish

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Divine Classification
Glowing greenish lime
Toned down scarlet red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paleish gray
1.92 M

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